Chapter 19: The Morning After.

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Lyarra started to wake up as she tried to move to get out of bed she felt something around her waist. When she finally realized that Maegor had his arm around her she couldn't help but smile to herself. Lyarra looked at him and just watched him as he slept until she heard some noise from him. Maegor opened his eyes and as he was looking up at the ceiling he turned his head to find Lyarra already looking at him "Morning." "Morning" the two said to each other Maegor turned to his side and wrapped his arms around Lyarra and kissed her. Lyarra kissed him back and had her hands resting on his face "How did you sleep?" Maegor questioned "Good and you?" Lyarra questioned

"Good because you're here with me." Maegor said as he turned them over so he was laying on his back and Lyarra was at his side. Lyarra's hand was drawing shapes on his chest while she was doing this she realized the scars on his chest that she had never seen or never cared to see "Are these new?" she questioned as she looked up to Maegor, While he was already looking down at her "There nothing." "Lair." Lyarra said to him. Maegor turned to bring her close to kiss her again and try to change the topic but Lyarra pushed against his chest "Tell me." Maegor pulled away from her and sat up on the bed while Lyarra was still laying on her side.

Maegor looked back at her "There from the fighting pit." he paused "After the battle I was struck down in the water I fell unconscious and when I woke I was in a cell with other men. I tried to tell them who I was but no one listened. I met a man who became someone who I could trust. Everyday they would have us fight animals or each other for months. I would fight." he paused and looked away from her " I tried to get back to you and the children but Balerion was so hurt I just had to wait until he was healed. When he was healed he came right to the pit and I fought my way out of there." Lyarra sits up, she kissed his shoulder and lays her head down on his arm "When you were pronounced dead I did not want to believe it." she paused. "I was afraid that the children would grow up without their father."

Maegor turned his head to look down at her as she turned her head so she could look up at him "I will never leave our children." he paused " I would never leave you." said in a whisper that only she can hear, Maegor leans down to Kiss Lyarra. Lyarra places both hands on his face as they kiss where Maegor moved his hands to hold her waist. He moved his body so Lyarra would move to lay on her back with her legs wrapped around his waist as he was on top of her.

The Great Hall

A few hours later Maegor and Lyarra found themselves having breakfast with the Lyarra family and their children. "You would run away." Rickon said laughing as he was talking to his daughter "I did not run away I simply just left and never told you where I went." Lyarra said with a little laugh. Maegor looked to his wife, "Where did you go?" Lyarra looked at him "Normally I went to the Godwoods and hid there or I would go into Winter town and play with some kids." Everyone continued to laugh.

Couple of hours later

Lyarra found herself walking by the Godswood, she moved closer to it and sat down next to the tree. She rested her head against the tree and just closed her eyes. "I knew I would find you here?" Domeric Bolton says as he makes his way closer to Lyarra "Domeric." Lyarra said as she got up she made her way closer to him "It's good to see you again." "Aye its good to see you too well I mean standing face to face and not with your husband holding me in a headlock." Domeric said "I am so very sorry about him." Lyarra said right away "It is alright I mean it fits." "What do you mean?" Lyarra questioned him "I mean that he is Maegor The Cruel. He is known for his killing and it was almost me if you did not come in when you did." Domeric finished saying.

Lyarra looked down. "Again I am very sorry about that." "I know you are your were always so kind." Domeric moves closer to Lyarra and takes her hand in his. Lyarra looked up at him "Do you remember how happy we were when our fathers said we would wed?" Domeric questioned her to which Lyarra just nodded her head "We would sit and talk about our future and what our life together would have looked like." 

Domeric continued as his hold on Lyarra got tighter "Domeric you are hurting me." Lyarra said a she tried to get his hands off hers "You would have been my lady you would have been closer to Winterfell." Domeric grip got tighter as he spoke "You would have bared my children not his." "Let go." Lyarra tried to pull away his hand but then he moved a hand to her waist "Why marry him what just because he has a dragon and is king that why you married him." "Domeric let go of me." "Is it not the reason why you married him and broke our betrothal?" With each word Domeric's voice got louder and louder.

Until Domeric felt something touch his shoulder he turned his head to find Maegor pull him away so hard Domeric fell to the ground. "Are you alright?" Maegor made his way to Lyarra. She just nodded her head, unable to speak Domeric got off the ground. "You took her away from me, she would have been happier married to me then you and she knows it." That was the last thing he said before leaving the King and Queen alone.

"Did he hurt you?" Maegor questions "No I am alright." Maegor moved so both his arms wrapped around her so he could hold her. Lyarra rested her head on his chest and looked out to where Domeric left. She wonders if the rest of the time she would be in her childhood home he would come and say these horrible things to her and Maegor or worse her children. If the man she grew up with said something to her children she would let her Direwolf Strom attack him right then and there.  


Hi everyone I am so sorry it took me so long to write the next chapter but I hope you all enjoy this next chapter. 

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