Chapter 15 : Leaving Kings Landing.

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The past couple of weeks have been crazy around the Red Keep, Lyarra has been packing and making sure the children are ready for this trip. It takes one month to even get north and then they are staying there for another month then leave which is another month just to get back to King's Landing. She wanted to make sure everything was packed right and made sure they had everything for the children for the end of the month they were ready to go north.

Maegor got onto his horse and rode out into the Kings road first while Lyarra rode in a carriage with the children after some hours they stopped and camped out. Lyarra got out of the carriage while holding Alysanne and watching Jaehaerys,Baelon and Aemon getting out of the carriage Maegor gets off his horse and walks over to them "We will make camp here for the night." Lyarra nodded her head and saw some of the servants making their camp.

A few hours later the camps were made and Lyarra was in her tent with the children Jaehaerys,Baelon,Aemon were on the floor of the tent playing with their baby dragons, while Lyarra was sitting down with Alysanne in her arms. She watched her boys play together before they headed off to bed then the sounds of flaps of the tent open showing Maegor walking in the tent. He made his way over to Lyarra "We leave in the marrow." Lyarra nodded her head and looked over to the boys Maegor sat down and looked over to Lyarra.

"Should the children be getting ready for bed?" he paused "Where are the wet nurses?" Maegor questioned Lyarra. Lyarra looked back to Maegor "I wanted to get the children for myself and it does not hurt them to stay up a little longer, they were in a carriage all day." Lyarra said back to Maegor that was until Alysanne started to fuss "Shh its ok love." Lyarra said to try to calm her down. "Mama Mama come play with us." Jaehaerys looked up to his parents Maegor looked back to Lyarra "Here you go play with them I got her." Lyarra looked back to him "Are you sure?" Maegor nodded his head and Lyarra stood up and placed Alysanne in his arms "Be careful with her head." she said and this made Maegor laugh a little "This is not the first time I held a child Lyarra." Lyarra rolled her eyes at him and moved to where the boys were playing.

For a little longer the six of them just stayed that way well until Jaehaerys asked if Maegor and Alysanne could play with them too. An hour later The children were fast asleep in their beds with their dragons in the bed with them. Lyarra and Maegor sat at a table in the room just watching over them. Maegor looked at her "Are you nervous?" he said quietly to Lyarra looked over to him "What do you mean?" "You haven't seen your family in quite some time, are you nervous to see them?" Lyarra looked back to the children "A little but I am happy that I can see them again. The children can meet more of there family and see the place where I grew up." she passed. "It will be good." she turned to look at Maegor "Thank you." "For what?" "You did not need to invite us to come north with you, you could have gone on Balerion and be back to King's Landing in a week."

"You're welcome." Maegor said back to her Lyarra smiled at him a little Maegor noticed her hand on the table he took her hand and held her hand the two of them just stayed there for a moment. Enjoying one another. Over the next couple of nights this is what it has been them traveling to the north and at night Maegor and Lyarra would put the children to bed and spend time with each other while the children slept. 

Over the few weeks Maegor and Lyarra got a little closer with each night they took the children to bed and finally Lyarra thought that they could be good and have a good relationship with each other even if it's not romantic. With a day felt in the trip they made camp for the last night Lyarra was in the tent with the children waiting for Maegor but when she heard people yelling and screaming she knew something was wrong. "Mama what's going on?" Jaehaerys questioned his mother. Lyarra stood up and put Alysanne in her cradle and moved to the boys so she picked up Aemon "Everything is Fine sweet boy." She put the twins in their beds and picked up Jaehaerys and put him to bed.

"The knights and your father will take care of it." But when she said that you heard more screaming coming from the camp. Lyarra moves to the front of the tent and opens the flap of the tent to see men running and can hear something in the distance. Lyarra turned to one of the wet nurses "Look after them I will find out what's happening." Abigail the children's wet nurse tried to tell her no but Lyarra moved to the Children and made sure they were fine before leaving "I will be right back to not leave this tent and listen to Abigail." Jaehaerys grabbed his mothers hand "No mama do not go please." he said Lyarra sighed and put her hand on his cheek "I will be right back I promise." She kissed his forehead and left the tent.

Lyarra moved around the campground. She found a bow with some arrows. She picked it up and tried to figure out what was going on. She could hear something coming next to her ready to bow and when she turned the corner she stood face to face with Maegor with sword in hand and blood on it "What the hell Lyarra!" "What's going on?" she questioned him as she lowered the bow not even answering his question. Maegor put his hand on his face. "An animal got into the camp." Lyarra nodded her head then Maegor looked at her "Why are you not with the children?" "I wanted to make sure you were alive." Lyarra said as she looked away from him before Maegor could say something they heard a scream coming from the children's tent.

Maegor and Lyarra have never ran so fast in their lives over to the tent. When they reach the tent you hear the children scream and that it made Lyarra's heart drop. Maegor opened the flap so fast and you see a wolf near the Alysanne cradle Lyarra moved from behind Maegor and saw the wolf and Lyarra smiled a little she moved closer to Alysanne cradle "Lyarra" Maegor said quietly as he moved closer to Lyarra and the children.

When Lyarra looked into Alysanne's cradle and she saw Alysanne reaching out to touch the wolf and Alysanne was smiling at the wolf. Maegor moved closer to the boys until they were behind him. Lyarra stepped on one of the boys toys which made a sound. The wolf turned so fast to look right at Lyarra. Lyarra kneeled down in front of the wolf "Hey girl it's me." Lyarra reached her hand out so the wolf could smell her. The wolf moved her nose into Lyarra's hand as soon as she smelled her the wolf knew exactly who it was. Maegor watched the two and he was so confused about what was going on.

Lyarra moved her hand to pet the wolf and the wolf immediately was so happy to see Lyarra again. Lyarra looked over to Maegor and her boys "It's alright she won't hurt you." Jaehaerys moved from behind his father and moved closer to his mother the wolf picked up her head and look right at the boy Lyarra put her arm around Jaehaerys waist and still had another hand petting the wolf "Jaehaerys this is storm remember the dire wolf I told you and your brothers about this is her." Jaehaerys looked at the wolf "Can I pet her?" Lyarra smiled and nodded. Jaehaerys put his hand on top of Storm's head. Storm moved her head so she could lick the side of his face that made Jaehaerys laugh and smile.

Lyarra, still petting storm she looked over to Maegor,Baelon and Aemon "You can come pet her if you wish too." She said the three of them moved closer as they all sat in front of Alysannes cradle as Baelon and Aemon went to the side of Storm petting her and laughing. Maegor looked at the wolf "So this is the dire wolf that wrecked the camp." Lyarra chuckled "I think she could smell me and tried to find me." Maegor smirked, "So what are we going to do with her for the night?" Maegor questioned Jaehaerys turned to look at his father "Can she stay here in the tent with us?" Maegor looked to Lyarra then back to Jaehaerys "I guess she could." Lyarra smiled at Maegor and then looked down to see Baelon and Aemon playing with Storm's tail and Jaehaerys petting her.

Later that night the camp was put back together and when Lyarra went to go to bed she found Maegor,Jaehaerys,Baelon, Aemon and Alysanne on her bed with storm at the foot of the bed this made Lyarra smile and moved to pet Storm before getting into the bed with her children and husband she was on her side and watched them for a little and smiled to herself watching the peacefully sleep. She looked over to Maegor holding onto Alysanne on top of his chest and his arm out with Aemon and Baelon on top of it. When Jaehaerys was closer to Lyarra, Lyarra moved her arm to be around him when she was comfortable and started to close her eyes and in the morning they will be in Winterfell and she will see her family again. 

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