Chapter 16 : Welcome Back To Winterfell

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In the morning Maegor woke up to feeling something lying on his chest. He looked down to see Alysanne still sleep so peacefully. Maegor turns his head to see Aemon and Baelon sprawled open on each other and Aemon's left arm on Jaehaerys face. He also sees Lyarra sleeping on her side with her arm holding Jaehaerys. Maegor smiled to himself looking at his family, Alysanne started to wake up with a cry to which Maegor pulled her closer to him and her forehead "It's ok little one." with this it slowly had her stop crying. He tried to sit up and not wake up Storm. He needed to get out of bed to make his way to figure out when they will leave to go to Winterfell.

Maegor got out of the bed and had her with him and put her in her cradle and moved out from the tent. He went to the men that were helping move to winterfell "Your grace we will be leaving soon and in a few hours we will reach the gates of Winterfell." Maegor nodded his head and moved away from them.

After an hour Maegor made his way to the carriage with Lyarra and the children, Lyarra was about to go into the carriage until she saw Maegor making his way over to them. Once Maegor got closer to them "I think Jaehaerys should ride with me." Maegor said to Lyarra "Are you sure?" Lyarra questioned him "He is the heir he should ride with me." Lyarra looked over to Jaehaerys to see his face light up at the thought of it Lyarra looked back to Maegor and nodded her head Jaehaerys ran to his father side excited for the ride to Winterfell Lyarra kneeled down in front of him "Listen to your father I will be right behind ok?" "Yes mother." Jaehaerys said to his mother.

Lyarra smiled a little and kissed his forehead as she stood up Jaehaerys looked over to where his fathers horse was and started to walk over to it. "He will be fine." "I know I just worry." Lyarra said "He will be with me, nothing will happen to him." Lyarra looked at him "I know." Maegor moved closer to her and Lyarra looked over to the wet nurses "We should get going if we want to be in Winterfell by the afternoon we should go now." Maegor nodded his head as he moved his hand to place it on her face, making her look at him. The two looked at each other for a moment. They were in their own little world and no one could bother them until they heard one of the knights saying that it was time to leave.

Lyarra took a step back "I will see you later on your grace." She turned around and went inside the carriage While Maegor Stood there for a moment until he heard "Father are you coming?" Jaehaerys asked his father, wondering why he was just standing there. Maegor looked over to his son and walked over to him. He helped him get onto Maegor's horse and Maegor sat behind him.

A few hours later and Maegor,Jaehaerys made it to the gates into Winterfell. You see everyone waiting for them to come and the members of house Stark with Rickon Stark in the middle Daphne was to the left of him and Benjen,Eleanor and Eddard standing in a line waiting for the King, once they saw him they all bowed to him Maegor got off his horse and helped Jaehaerys get off as well the two walked closer to stand right in front of Rickon Stark "Lord Stark." Rickon stood up "Winterfell is yours your grace." Maegor nodded his head and raised his hand out and Rickon shook his hand and then everyone got up and looked at Maegor "It's been some time since I have seen you." Maegor said "I have protected the North for you my king." Rickon paused, "I thought you were bringing Balerion your grace."

"I had that thought too but I brought someone else." Maegor looked down at Jaehaerys "My lord this is your grandson Jaehaerys." Rickon looked down at Jaehaerys "It's nice to meet you my lord." Jaehaerys said in a nervous tone Rickon kneeled in front of him "It is nice to meet you too my prince." Rickon smiled at him and Jaehaerys smiled back. Rickon stood up and then looked over to a carriage coming into the gates "My son was not the only person to come here with me." Maegor said.

As soon as Maegor said that the carriage doors opened, relieving Lyarra walking out of it helped Baelon,Aemon and the wet nurse holding Alysanne out. Once everyone was out they made their way over to where Maegor and Lord Rickon were standing. Lyarra moved next to Maegor and Lyarra's family was surprised to see her again the last time they saw her was the day after her wedding and now she has four children with her and Storm close to them.

Everyone was quiet for so long until Lyarra broke the silence "Hello father." she said with a smile Rickon moved closer to Lyarra and pulled her in for a hug. Once Lyarra felt her fathers arms around her for the first time in a long time she felt like she was home "Sweat girl." Rickon whispers to her Lyarra was trying up a little at this once Rickon let go of her Lyarra whipped a tears away and Jaehaerys walked over to his mother "Mama are you alright." Lyarra looked down at him, "I am ok sweet boy." "Then why are you crying?" Jaehaerys questioned, "Because I am happy."

"We should go inside so we can go into the sitting room and talk for a while." Rickon said as he started to make way for the Royal family. Once they made it into the sitting room it was just the Stark and Targaryen family with some maids to help them Daphne makes her way to hug Lyarra "It has been too long." "I missed you too." Once they pulled away from each other Lyarra looked over to see her younger siblings Benjen,Eleanor and Eddard. Eleanor ran to hug Lyarra "I missed you so much." "I have miss you too little sister." They pull away from each other "How are you?" Lyarra questioned "I am good." Benjen and Eddard stood next to each other Lyarra moved closer to them she looked to Eddard "The last time I saw you, you were just a babe." Lyarra smiles at ihim as the two boys move so they can hug her "I have missed you both." "We missed you too, big sister." Benjen said to her. Then Lyarra stood up and saw her step mother Daphne hugging Jaehaerys, Baelon, Aemon and she saw Maegor standing next to her father while he held Alysanne. Lyarra Made her way back to them and stood in front of her father as Rickon looked down at his granddaughter "She has your eyes Lyarra." Lyarra smiled.

After some time Everyone was sitting down, Rickon and Daphne on one couch and Magor and Lyarra a cross from them while Benjen, Eleanor and Eddard played on the floor with Jaehaerys,Baelon and Aemon and Alysanne was in Daphne's arms. "She is such a sweet baby." Daphne said looking up to Lyarra, Lyarra smiled at her. "What made you all want to come here together." Rickon questions "I need to speak to you my lord and Lyarra hasn't seen you since we were married and the children have never met their grandfather so I thought it would be good if all of us come." Maegor says Rickon just nodded his head Daphne looked over to her husband then looked back at Maegor and Lyarra "Well this is good they just made it for the Harvest feast." "What is the Harvest Feast?" Maegor questioned "It is a time where all the lords and lady's come to Winterfell to celebrate the harvest from the year there are games and a tourney and at the end of the night there is a big feast and dance." Lyarra said as she looked over to Maegor.

"I cannot believe we made it to see the Harvest feast." Lyarra said looking back to her father and step mother. "Aye it will be a good one this year." Rickon said Lyarra smiled to herself she was thinking to herself how nice it is to be back in Winterfell with her family and her children. She was so excited for the upcoming month that they will be here in Winterfell for. 

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