Getting in to Get Out.

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(Warning fighting and Killing/Death)

When Maegor woke up from the battle to find himself not on Balerion or even seeing Balerion anywhere but he finds himself in a cell with other men in the cell with him "Where the fuck am I?" he questioned one of the men "The fighting pits." Maegor was shocked by this news. He stands up and walks over to the cell bars to see some guards standing there "I need to speak to whoever is in charge." "Yeah and I want gold, gold that I can get when standing here." Maegor shakes the cell bars "I am a King!" Maegor said "And I am god." one of the guards laughed at him. Maegor was able to grab the guard's neck to try to choke him but the other guard was able to pull Maegor's hand away from him "Hey get back in there." Maegor let out a breath and went to sit next to the man that told him where he was.

"Do not let them get to you." the man said Maegor sat down "How long was I out for?" "About three days you were pretty bang up." the man said to him "Do you know how they found me and did they see anything with me?" "Sorry I do not know how they found all I know when they took you, you had nice armor and a nice sword that one of the higher ups took." Maegor balls his hand into fist. "How can I get out of here and kill that higher up?" The man laughed a little at him "You can not get out, When we are able to get out the cells they put cuffs on us and walk us out to the fighting pits un cuff us and leave us out there to kill each other."

Maegor put his hands in his hair "So I have to fight my way out of here?" "You can try but you will end up here sooner or later." The man looked at Maegor "Rafe." He put his hand out so Maegor could shake it. Maegor looked at the man's hand and shook it "Maegor."

Later that night Maegor and Rafe talk about if there's a way out or anything to do. But Maegor found out that the only way out was to fight and if you last rough fights you might be able to talk to someone to get out.

5 and half months later Maegor has tried every way to get out; he has won all his fights and killed anyone that stands in his way. The months part Maegor couldn't stop thinking about Lyarra the way she looks, the way she smiles, the way she laughs, the way she cares so much about their children. He couldn't stop humming this song she would sing to the boy when they couldn't go to sleep and Maegor wondered if she how is she? How are the boys? Did she have the babe?

That night in the cell Maegor was looking out the barred up window and Rafe looked to him "You got someone waiting for you?" Maegor looks away, "Three boys, maybe four boys or one girl." Rafe looked at him "You don't know if you have four boys or three and one girl?" "My wife is or was pregnant and I do not know if it's a boy or girl?" Rafe nobbed his head "Your wife is from the North like Westeros North?" Maegor stood up "Yeah how did you know that?" "You sometimes hum this song and it is a song from the North." Rafe said back to Maegor. When Maegor was just looking at the cell bars again.

"You miss her?" Rafe questioned Maegor and looked to him "I cannot stop thinking about her." Rafe smiled a little at this "So you're not hard as stone." Maegor gave him a big death stare then Rafe stopped "Our marriage was not a love match it was arranged." Maegor sat down and Rafe sat next to him and he continued "I wanted to hate her but being away from her made me realize that I do care for her in a romantic way." Maegor put his hand on his head "I Miss my boys I miss my babe that could be already here." Rafe put a hand on Maegor's shoulder "I know what you mean I Miss my family too." "We need to get out of here." Maegor said to him Rafe shook his head "I told you we cannot get out."

The next morning

Maegor and Rafe had another fight. They walked into the fighting pit, the guards undid the cuffs and closed the cell door behind them. Maegor garb a sword and Rafe grab one too while one of the higher up said let the fight begin the two were fighting two different people and Rafe Looked to Maegor seeing that he killed the man he was fighting and Rafe was able to kill the men he was fighting as well meaning the fight was over but before the guards to get them they heard something in the distant.

Maegor looks up with a smirk on his face and he sees Balerion flying down and burning people while trying to get to Maegor. Maegor looked to Rafe, "Follow me." Maegor said while he ran to where the higher ups were and fought them Rafe was right behind him and fighting alongside him. Maegor killed the one that took his sword and armor. He was able to get his sword back and armor. Rafe looked to Maegor "So what do we do now?" "You get out of here, go to your family and I go to mine." Rafe looked at him like he was crazy "How are you going to get there." Maegor pointed to Balerion "When I said I was a King I was not lying." Maegor ran over to Balerion and got on him "Sovetes." Maegor said and Balerion started to fly away from the fighting pits and started to fly back to the Red Keep.

Rafe saw Maegor flying away and then ran away to his family. Rafe could not wait to get to his family. Maegor was flying past Dragonstone and he had a smirk on his face the whole flight. He couldn't wait to see his sons, his mother but he was most excited to see Lyarra and tell her what he feels for her. 

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