What Could Happen

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The Boys Nursery

Lyarra was in the nursery with Jaehaerys,Baelon and Aemon. She watched her boys play well more so Jaehaerys chased his brother with a dragon toy until the twins couldn't walk on their own. Lyarra stood up putting a hand on her three month belly and walked over to Aemon who was walking right into the fire pit and picked him up and held him on her hip "You do not go into the fire pit." she said as she kissed his face over and over again which made him laugh. Lyarra sat down next to her boys and put Aemon on the floor where Jaehaerys,Baelon were playing with some toys.

The doors open and you see Maegor walk in with Harroway saying "My King you should not go into battle something could happen if you and Balerion." Maegor turned around "Harroway I do not give a fuck my men need my help." Harroway was about to say something but saw the look on his face and bowed his head and left the nursery without saying a word. Maegor turned to all of the wet nurses and maid "Leave us." They dropped their things and bow their heads and left the room. Lyarra tried to stand but Maegor beat her and helped her up "Thank you." she said Maegor just nodded his head "Father Father look its Balerion." Jaehaerys said showing his toy to his father Maegor kneeled down "Yeah it is." Jaehaerys smiled and looked up to his mother, "Go play with your brother Jae." Jaehaerys nodded his head and sat down with Baelon and Aemon.

"What was Lord Harroway talking about?" Lyarra looked to Maegor. Maegor stood up and looked at Lyarra ''My men need me on the battlefield we are leaving at nightfall." "Are you sure that is a good idea?" Lyarra questioned Maegor placed a hand on her stomach "I'm bringing Balerion I will burn them to the ground." he pauses "I'll be back in a day or two." Lyarra looked to her boys then back to Maegor ''You need to come back." "I will." Lyarra nodded her head "You came to say goodbye to the children?" Lyarra questioned Maegor, nodded his head and walked over to where Jaehaerys.Baelon and Aemon sat on the chair close to them and watched them Jaehaerys noticed his father and stood in front of him "Is everything alright Father?"

Maegor placed a hand on his cheek "Yes son I just have to go away for a little." "When will I be back?" Jaehaerys questioned "I will be back in a day or two." Jaehaerys nodded his head "I need you to do something while I'm gone." Maegor told his son who looked up at him "I need you to make sure you and your brothers are safe." "Yes, Father." Jaehaerys said back Maegor looked over to Lyarra as she walked around the nursery's cradles "I also need you to keep your mother safe too." Jaehaerys nodded.

Maegor pulled Jaehaerys into a hug then let go of him and stood up only to pick up all of his boys in his arms. The boys laughed as their father did this then Maegor put them down and said "Be good." The boys nodded their heads and went back to playing. Maegor walked over to Lyarra where she stood with her hands on her belly "I pray for your return." Lyarra said to him where Maegor placed a hand on her belly and he nodded his head. Maegor Then left the nurseries leaving Lyarra with their boys.

The battle in Pentos

The battle was closer to Pentso when Maegor sent his men to the beaches of Pentso; people were dying on the battlefield and getting hurt. Maegor was just over the ocean of the narrow sea on dragon's back; he got closer to the battle and said to Balerion "DRACARYS." the Balerion let out a big fire attack on everyone below them Maegor was turning around to see on a ship a machine that can shoot out big arrows that could hurt a dragon.

Maegor told Balerion to go left as the ship shot the arrow at them but what Maegor didn't know that there was another ship that shot an arrow and shot right into Balerion making Maegor go down with him the two crashed into the sea.

The Queens Chambers

Lyarra was drawing in her room when Visenya walked into her room in a panic and tries in her eyes "What is wrong?" Lyarra looked at Visenya, Visenya sat down to Lyarra and said "Maegor is..." Lyarra's eyes widened "No." she said as she shakes her head "He's gone." Visneya finally said it. Lyarra tried to say something but could not say anything then she said "What do you mean gone." "He's dead Lyarra." Lyarra shook her head "No no no." Lyarra cried, "My boys, what about them." Visenya hugged her daughter by law and they just stayed like that for a while crying in each other's arms.

The Nursery

Lyarra walked into the room and saw Jaehaerys playing with his brothers as they sat on the floor. Jaehaerys noticed his mother and walked over to her "Mama are you alright." Lyarra kneeled down "No Jaehaerys i need to tell you something and your brothers will not understand because they are so young." "Is it about father did he win the war?" Lyarra nodded her head "Yes your father won the battle but when he was fighting he." Lyarra couldn't say anything for a second and looked down to the ground then looked up at him "Your father he did not make it my sweet boy." Lyarra had tries in her eyes when she told him

Jaehaerys shook his head "But Father said he would come back." Jaehaerys looked at his mother and started to cry with her. Lyarra just held her boy in her arms and did not let go.

Over some time Lyarra and Jaehaerys moved closer to Baelon and Aemon they all played together and that night Lyarra had Aemon and Baelon cradle move into his chambers and had them sleep in her rooms for the next couple of nights. A lot of the nights Jaehaerys would sleep in his mothers bed.

Pentso fighting pits

"Hey, we have some new guys. He looks a little beat up so patch him and put him into the pits." a guy said and the maester said alright and one of the people the maester was patching up was a man with White/Silver hair passed out from the pain with scars all over him with burns and bruises on him. 

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