Chapter 21 Midnight

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That night Maegor could not sleep. He just listened to Lyarra breath as she slept. He moved her off of him so she could just lay in the bed so he could move out of the bed and sit by the fire. Maegor sat by the fire placing a hand in front of the flames seeing if the flames would hurt him. As he brought his hand closer and closer he felt no pain like always. Maegor sat in the chair thinking about all the possible ways that Domeric could have hurt Lyarra and then he thought of all the ways he would torture him then give him the worst dead possible.

Maegor turned his head to look over at Lyarra sleeping so peacefully, he knows she is safe now but he can't help feeling like it was his fault. From what Lyarra has told him Domeric was a nice man and he never would hurt her but when their engagement was broken because of him Domeric must have grown a darker side while she was away. Then seeing her again with her, with him as her husband and with our children.

Maegor was so lost in thought he could not hear the sounds of someone coming behind him. He feels someone's hands on his shoulders Maegor sits up about to get his sword until he hears "It's late." he stops "what's wrong." Maegor turns around and sees Lyarra "Nothing is wrong." Lyarra laughs a little and moves to sit next to him "lair." Maegor takes Lyarra's hand "Is this still about Domeric?" She questioned Maegor, looked away from her and back into the flames of the fire. "He was just mad at that moment and took it out on me. It's alright." "It is not alright." says as he looks back at her "He should have not been near you, why were you out there alone." "I just wanted a moment to myself. Being by the Godswood was my escape as a child."

Maegor lets go of Lyarra's hand and stands closer to the fire he lets out a sigh and then turns back to her "He has mentioned your mother saying you made a promise to her?" he paused "What does he mean?" he questioned "It is late, we should get some rest. The last day of the feast is tomorrow." Larra stood up and tried to walk to the bed but Maegor reached out and held on to her arm "Lyarra please tell me." Lyarra looks back at him and sighs "When I was a child my mother got sick, the maester said that there was nothing to do but wait for me and my father would sit with her for hours at a time. Try to help her get some strength back but she even knew that she would not live much longer. My mother made me promise her I would wed a northern lord so I would always be close to my father because she knew he would not be fine after she passed." Lyarra pauses for a moment

"She did not live much longer after that and after she died my father turned so cold it was almost as if he had died along with her. I did not tell anyone about my promise to my mother because after she died my father made my engagement to Domeric. He was going to be a northern lord so my promise to my mother was being fulfilled." Lyarra placed a hand on his face "After the letter you sent my father and went to the Godswood and prayed to my mother hoping she would communicate with my because I did not want to break my promise but if I had said no to you you would have sent your dragon and killed my father and we would be at war because you would have thought it was a insult."

"When I left here I thought she was so mad at me but when we came back, I was in the Godswood with our children. I saw that there was a winter rose out there blooming and everything I knew was my mother telling me it was alright." Maegor moved away from her "And Domeric knew this?" "Yes he knew." "Why?" "He was going to be my husband but first he was a friend I thought I could tell him."

"Maegor there is nothing to be done about this now. My mother thought my father would never remarry and that's why she wanted me to stay in the north. She did not know that my father would remarry and have more children." Lyarra tries to reach for him but he moves away from her "Why did you not tell me?" he paused. "You tell your betrothed but you do not tell your husband." Lyarra sighs "When we first wed we were not on the greatest of terms you and I were never around each other unless it was making an heir and you checking up on me while I was with child." "You could have still told me sooner than now."

Lyarra laughs at this "Maegor in the beginning of our marriage I hated you I did not want to be around you I was around you for the children." Maegor knew that she hated him but hearing her say it out loud was the worst pain he had felt. "And now we have been spending a lot more time together. Have you been faking your smiles and laughs when it is just you and I?" Lyarra didn't know what to say "No I have not been faking." For the first time in a long time Maegor gives her that same cold look that he had for their whole mariage "What about you?" "What about me?" Maegor said back to her "You have never wanted to spend this much time with me before you always used to just walk past me and pretend I was never there. Why are you being this way?"

Maegor shakes his head and starts to get his clothes and his sword "No you do not get to walk away now." Lyarra says as she makes her way to the door so she can try to stop him from leaving "Get out of my way Lyarra." "Not until you tell me." she says back holding her ground "You really want to know!" he says with his voice getting louder "Yes tell me!" Lyarra says with her voice getting louder "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU." he yells out her he throws his things to the floor and moves back to the seat by the fire and sits down. Lyarra was in stock and was still standing by the door "You what?" she spoke so quietly but he can still hear her "Because I Love you Lyarra." he said it again but this time he spoke softer "When I was in the fighting pits all i could think about was you." he paused "I thought about the children and the babe that was still in your belly but most of the time all i thought a dreamed about was you. I made a promise to myself when I got out of the pits I would be a better husband to you and try to make you happy."

Lyarra walks closer to him and stands right in front of him. She lifted his head to look at her "I love you too." she said quietly and she gave a small smile. Maegor was in stock. She never thought she could love him back but hearing the words come out of her mouth made him so happy. Maegor smirks and grab her waist to pull her on top of his lap Maegor leans in to kiss her and she kisses him back.

The kiss got hotter and Maegor moved his hands from her waist to the end of the dress and pulled it off her body. He moved his mouth to her neck, chest , breasts until finally he had enough he wrapped her legs around him and he started to stand up. He moves them to the bed Lyarra lays there breathless waiting for Maegor to get his pants off and come to bed Maegor lays on top of her with her legs around his waist.

Lyarra could feel like her skin was on fire by his touch he made his way back to her lips to kiss her again. Once they pull away from each other "I love you." Maegor said "I love you too." Lyarra said back to him. Maegor lines himself up to Lyarra and thrust into her Lyarra let out a moan. Maegor continues to thrust into her and each time Lyarra moans louder and louder. Maegor knew she was about to come and so was he with one more thrust they both came together. Maegor looks at her in awe and kisses her again Lyarra smiles into the kiss. 

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