The Next's Steps

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A day has passed since Lyarra had Baby Jaehaerys and she could not help but to not feel alone while she was in the capital. She finally had someone that was hers and yes he is also Maegor's son but Jaehaerys is hers.

Queens Chambers

Lyarra was holding Jaehaerys in her arms and was looking down at him until she heard a knock on her door "Come." she said looking up to find Maegor standing there in his riding clothes "Your grace." she said as she bowed her head Maegor walked closer to Lyarra and placed his hand on the babe "How is he." he said "He is very well he is strong like his father." Lyarra said back to him. Maegor then turned his head and looked at her "How are you?" he questioned her "Sore but I am well." There was another knock on the door and this time Maegor said come in.

Three Dragonkeepers come into the room holding a cradle of some kind Maegor helps Lyarra up and they walk over to it "What is it." Lyarra asked Maegor and to this comment he laughed a little "Our son is a Targaryen and Targaryen bond with dragons or a given a dragon egg at birth." The Dragonkeeper opens the cradle and you see a bronze dragon egg in it. "This is from Meraxes clutch of dragon eggs before she had them before she died." Lyarra nodded her head and the Dragonkeepers closed the cradle and walked over to Jaehaerys cradle and places under his bed.

"The cradle lies under Jaehaerys cradle?" Lyarra turned to look at Maegor. He simply nodded and looked back at the DragonKeepers Maegor spoke something in High Valyrian and then the DragonKeepers were done setting up the dragon cradle and bow their heads and leaves the chambers.

Jaehaerys starts to cry and Lyarra looks down at him "Oh it's ok. Shhh It's sweet boy." She said as she rocked him back and forth "Shhh it's alright." Jaehaerys still kept on crying while Maegor looked at his wife and son. Maegor walked closer to Lyarra and said "Here give him to me." Lyarra looked at him and gave Jaehaerys to Maegor. She helps him hold Jaehaerys the right way and just looks at the way Maegor is holding and looking at their child. Maegor rocks Jaehaerys until he calmed down enough to where he wasn't crying anymore.

Lyarra smiles at this and thinks to herself this might not be so bad having a child with him now, maybe they could try to get to know each other more. Lyarra moves to sit down and still Maegor is holding Jaehaerys "If you want you could put him in his cradle." Lyarra pauses "This is the time of day he normally sleeps." Maegor nobbed his head and walked over to his cradle and placed Jaehaerys in it. Once Maegor put Jaehaerys in the cradle he walked over to Lyarra "I have spoken to the grand maester." "what about?" Lyarra asked, "To find out when you will be able to be bedded again." Lyarra looked at him with a confused look "What?" was all Lyarra could say "You think just because we have one son that was it." Maegor said "No but I thought it would not be so soon after I had Jaehaerys." Lyarra said was trying to understand why he wanted to have another child so soon.

"I am the King. I need more than just one son or children." Maegor pauses "People will think my claim to the throne is weak and anyone can take it." Lyarra didn't know what to say so she just stayed quiet "Did you forget the only reason why you are here." Maegor pauses again, "You are here to give me children that is all I need you for." Lyarra looked up at him and said "Of course your grace when did the grand maesters say it was alright for me." "One moon." Lyarra nobbed her head and then with that Maegor left her chambers and Lyarra finally was able to let out a breath of air. She looked to the door and then she looked to where her son was peacefully sleeping and smiled to herself.

A year goes by and the prince Jaehaerys grew a lot, he was able to start walking and his dragon hatched. The tiny dragon was called Vermithor and he had bronze scales. In this year Maegor and Lyarra tried to have more children but nothing until a year and 2 months go by and Lyarra found out she was pregnant again. Maegor of course just nodded his head when she told him and they didn't see each other as much, where the past year they would see each other almost everyday not just for trying to have a baby but when they both want to see Jaehaerys.

Maegor grew a little more in the father role he has taken Jaehaerys even on his first dragon ride on Balerion at the age of 9 months. The whole time Lyarra could not breathe in fear of her child being the largest dragon in the world.

When it came time again where Lyarra was in her labors the excruciating pain happened again but times two. Lyarra gave birth to another boy and when she thought she was done the midwife said there was another baby and again Lyarra had to push to have another baby boy. Maegor came in very pleased with the new of two more boy the oldest was named Baelon and the Younger boy was Aemon both matched their father with the Silver/White hair and violet eyes and both boy's were also given two dragon eggs the day after their birth.  Baelon egg was a blue mixed with purple where Aemons was a blood red.

This time when Lyarra held both her boys in her arms Maegor walked over to the grand maesters when she was able to have another child.Maegor walked over to her when he was done talking to the maester and held both his boys in his arms. Lyarra looked at them and smiled at herself. At this point did not care about trying to get to know her husband and try to have him like her where they could at least be friendly with each other. Jaehaerys at this time was 2 when he walked into her Mothers chambers and saw his little brothers he wanted to hold them by himself Maegor and Lyarra helped him. Just to make sure he didn't drop the baby's.

Now another year has passed and Maegor got Lyarra pregnant again; she was about 3 months at this point. Jaehaerys was 3 and the twins were 1 and the three couldn't stop touching their moms belly and kept saying there's a baby in there. Baelon and Aemon eggs hatched, Baelon egg hatched at blue/purple dragon called Tessarion and Aemon egg hatced a blood red dragon called Caraxes. 

There was also at this time a war going on and there is a battle between westros and pentos both wants the Narrow sea for transportation. Maegor did not like this and he had decided that he would go to battle with his dragon and more of his men.  

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