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"Oh gosh, I'm finally done!" I whined as I slammed myself onto the canteen bench, holding my head in my hands.

Jungwon glanced at me with a side eye, and continued studying. I look up and frown.

"Are you not going to say anything?" I pressed, as Jungwon flippped a page of his textbook.

"No, because it's not my problem you got held back by our lecturer," he threw at me, and I gave an offended look with my eyes wide and mouth agaped.

"Excuse yo-"

"Sorry I'm late, guys," Heeseung hyung's voice interrupted us, causing Jungwon and I to look up, "I..ran into a problem."

Jungwon chuckled. "Literally? Why are your cheeks so pink?" He pointed to Heeseung hyung's obvious pink face and the older just rolled his eyes.

"It's nothing..just focus and do your work," he instructed, sounding oddly unusual. It was like someone gave him a romance novel to confess their love and decided to tell him they placed a kiss on it.

Jungwon just shrugged while going back to his books, while I decided to just scroll through my phone. We sat in silence for a few minutes when whispers surrounded us excitedly.

Oh no, not again....

I looked up from my phone, only to be greeted by the familiar sight of Niki and his gang. Although, when I noticed Sunghoon, my glare softened.

They approached us and Niki came over to me, smirking.

I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?"

"Well hello to you too, Sunoo. Can't a friend just come over and say 'hi'?" Niki threw back, and I huffed in frustration.

"We are not friends," I emphasised, biting down on my lower lip.

"Aw, that's cute," Niki laughed as he ruffled my hair; and I swatted his hand away like it was a fly, anger boiling up inside of me.

"Can you stop? Don't touch people without their permission! What's wrong with you?" I exclaimed, glaring.

Niki backed up a step, holding his palms out, "Whoa, chill. Don't need to go all 'angry bird' on me. I was just playing," he joked.

Stupid. Who did he think he was? And how dare he just say all that like he was the older one. I didn't argue though, because I was too tired to do anything with this kid. I ignored his joke and looked away, diverting my attention to a better looking sight.

Even when Sunghoon wasn't doing anything, he still looked majestic. Where do you get those features, god. I just stared at him for a few seconds, smiling at how calm he looked.

Then his head turned a fraction towards me, and I immediately look away, not wanting to get caught. My cheeks turned pink and I bit back a smile. However, when I peeked back at him, he was still looking and I gave up trying to hide.

My heart heated faster when his gaze met mine and he gave me a small smile. OH HELP, HE SMILED AT ME!!

I was the verge of fanboying when he walked towards Niki and whispered something into his ear, before disappearing out the canteen doors. I sighed. Well, goodbye amazing and beautiful person.

About a minute later, Niki came over again and decided to be a creep by looking me up and down. I spun slowly to face him, my gaze filled with wary.
"Yes?" I initiated, which caused the younger to look at me.

"Do you like Sunghoon hyung?"

My heart skipped a beat. That's so sudden seems like a general question?

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