Planning 1

72 3 0

Third Person POV

The seven of them headed to the library after school that day to work on work and a bit of their planning for the Winter Fling.
As they entered, it was obvious a lot of whispers started forming and they had trouble actually finding a table for all seven of them.

"Let's split up," Jungwon whispered, looking around, "there are a few tables nearby. I'm taking this one and no-," he interrupted Jay who was about to join him, "you're not sitting here."

"But why?" Jay whined and the others snickered. Jungwon rolled his eyes and sighed. "Fine, you can sit here. But the rest of you must find somewhere else to sit."

"And you," he glared a Jay, "be productive. Or I'll kick you out of the library myself."

"Whatever you say, kitty," Jay teased and Jungwon's cheeks bloomed bright red. He smacked Jay's arm and pushed him down onto his seat while huffing out a breath in frustration.

"Okayyyy we should go," Sunoo initiated, seeing that Jungwon and Jay were bickering in their own world, "how are we going to split ourselves?"

He looked at the 5 of them.

"I'll take Heeseung, so you three go together," Jake offered and gabbed Heeseung's arm, pulling him away as Heeseung started yelling softly.

"Oh..okay? I guess it's just us three," Sunoo turned to Niki and Sunghoon.

"That's great," Niki replied sarcastically, and Sunoo smacked his head.

"Be positive can you? Come, let's find a table," Sunoo suggested and Niki went ahead.

"You coming?" Sunoo asked softly to Sunghoon, who was staring at him, and that caused Sunoo's breath to hitch.

"Hm? Oh yeah, let's go," Sunghoon smiled and walked ahead, which made Sunoo smile, his heart pounding against his chest.

Were things actually falling in place for the two of them?
Heeseung's POV

"Jake what the hell are you doing?" I grumbled, and Jake just grinned at me while logging in to his laptop.

"Why? Can't two geniuses study together?" He smirked and went back to typing.

"But that's the thing, we're rivals. Rivals don't study together."

His fingers froze midway for a second and I almost saw his smile drop, but it became wider instead and he continued typing like whatever I said hadn't touched him.

I didn't want to sound mean, but it was the truth. People will start talking about us, this. I looked around and my eyes landed on a few girls who were squealing and smiling at us.

I smiled and was about to wave when a hand caught my wrist and I snapped my head to face forward.
Jake was gripping onto my wrist, his eyes staring at the girls with a hint of annoyance. I smiled, amused.

"Um, Jake?"

He jerked his head back to face me, and grinned playfully, still not letting go of my wrist. "Sorry, got a little distracted."

He moved the laptop over to the middle to show me whatever he planned for the Winter Fling and started talking.
I was listening for the first half of it, but I eventually tuned out his talking when I noticed his hand hadn't left its place.
It was now placed gently on top of mine, while he talked.

He was pretty clueless about it, but I didn't say anything and a twitching grin came to my lips as I studied his whole aura.

Jake always reminded me of a golden retriever. With those bright, puppy eyes, that lit up any dark room. And with his beautiful structured face and fluffy hair that curled softly around the corner of his eyes.

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