Annoying but...

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Niki and I have still been at each other's necks, that moment hadn't changed that.
But it had affected a few things.

For instance, I was no longer seeing him as, 'not wanting him alive' anymore, but more like, it was fun hanging out with him.
We weren't excatly on terms where we would agree with each other, but it wasn't bickering to death anymore.

Why did it feel like it was more than that?

Who cared though, I only saw him as a friend. Nothing more. Cuz my crush was obviously Park Sunghoon.

Now we were in the library, studying for the upcoming final exams. Which also meant the Winter Fling was just around the corner.
I had hoped Sunghoon would say something sooner, but he seemed to not even know about it for the meantime.
I played along. Maybe he was just waiting for the right time.

Chuckling to myself, I scratched my head with the pen I was holding.

"Are you going crazy or something?"

My gaze flickered to the source of the question. The younger man across of me, holding a book, was side eyeing me from the pages. I let out a laugh and shook my head.

"No...just thinking about the Winter Fling."

Niki put his book down. "You have someone in mind?"

"More like I hope he would have me in his mind," I joked, glancing at the man himself sitting at the corner of our shared table. Niki followed my gaze and I saw an unexpected flicker of disappointment in his eyes.

But he covered it up with a smirk. "Sunghoon hyung?"

A weird tone was lacing his words, but I dismissed it with my own smile. "Haha, yeah. Do you think I should ask him first?"

"Sure you could. Just that it'd be quite weird.." he trailed off when a bunch of girls came walking past. Probably freshmen. They giggled and squealed when Niki noticed them, and gave them a small smile and waved.

He chuckled, after seeing one of them dramatically faint.

I subconsciously frowned, biting my lip as the huge group passed, each one of them waving and smiling back. My heartbeat slowed when Niki winked at one of them, and the girl claimed it like it was a heart flying towards her.

Green poisoned my blood when another girl blew him a kiss.

Niki dodged it though, and for some reason, it made feel slightly relieved.

When they finally passed by, I turned to the younger, questioning, "You know them?"

Niki looked back at me, reading my expression. His eyes lit up with tease when my frown was still visible. "Sort of. They're my fanbase. Don't you think that's great?"

I looked away, muttering underneathe my breath, "A fan should give their idol space..."

"What did you say?"

I jerked my head to face him. "Nothing! Just thinking how I should ask out Sunghoon for Winter Fling."

At this, I visibly see a tiny drop of dismay in his eyes. "Oh. Okay."

I titled my head as he went back to his book, eyes scanning the pages. That was weird. Did he not want me to ask Sunghoon?
I shook my head and focused more on my notes, but even when I tried, my eyes always dragged itself back to the younger, who was now sleeping, with his head on his arm.

A stand of hair fell onto his face, and I fought the weird urge to tuck it back for him. Why was I feeling this? And what was that rush of green I felt when he greeted the girls?

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