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Sunoo's Pov

It's been about a month since school started, and I was officially crushing on Park Sunghoon.
Like, who wouldn't? He's perfect, thick eyebrows and stunningly structured face, no one could resist that.
I like him, I just know it. But it was so hard to get closer to him. We texted a few times, but I always felt he was a bit uncomfortable talking freely.

So I was trying to get him to talk physically, face to face.

But of course, there's that one troublemaker always in my way.

I'm walking in the halls now and spotted Sunghoon walking up ahead, by himself.

My heartbeat sped up and I hurriedly tried to catch up with him.
But I'm disappointingly stopped by the one and only Niki, with his emo outfit again, his whole body blocking my view of Sunghoon.

"Hey sunshine," he greeted. Oh right, he used that name for me now. I rolled my eyes and tried to push him to the side, but he didn't budge.

"Could you move? I'm trying to go home!"

"Aw, but haven't talked to you in forever sunshine..." Niki fake pouted and I gagged silently.

"Again, we're in not besties or anytbing. And who said you could call me that?" I demanded, glaring into those lazy eyes of his.

Niki scoffed. "I can call you whatever I want. And who are you trying to chase, huh?" He looked behind him, finding the person I was trying to talk to gone.

I groaned softly. Ugh, missed my chance. I kicked Niki's leg and the younger yelped in pain. "You ruined my chance, asshole!"

"Oh chasing after Sunghoon hyung? Stalker much?" Niki questioned, clutching his leg as he frowned at me.
I rolled my eyes. "It's none of your business. Why are you even talking to me anyway? Just to annoy me?"

"That and because..." he eyed me, his teasing gaze softening. I could've been imagining it but I thought he was smiling a little bit.
He didn't continue his sentence, and just stared at me, his eyes focusing on mine.

I blinked, frowning. "Hello? What were you saying?" I broke the silence, snapping him out of whatever thoughts he had.

He shook his head and blinked his eyes multiple times before mumbling something under his breath.

"It's nothing.." he trailed off, looking away. I titled my head, confused. He was never like this, all shy and...blushing? What the hell?

He turned to walk away, not even flicking my forehead like how he would always do. For some reason, a disappointing tug in my chest played with my heartstrings.

Ugh, whatever. It was just him being emo. No feelings or whatever.


"We're WHAT?" Jungwon and I shrieked.

Heeseung hyung bit his lip as his cheeks tinted pink. "We're joining Jake and his friends to and outing this Saturday, tomorrow," he repeated.

My mouth hung lower, and Jungwon pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Did you ask to join or did he-?"

"He offered us to join," Heeseung hyung quickly defended.

Jungwon stoped rubbing the spot between his eyes and gave Heeseung a look. "And you agreed because..?"

Heeseung hyung didn't respond to that. I smiled widely, hooking a arm around his shoulder as I sat down beside him.

"You like him, don't you?"

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