Chapter 3

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After days of waiting, it was finally the day before the Hogsmeade trip.

"I couldnt sleep last night! I'm so excited! My parents gave me a budget to spend at Hogsmeade tomorrow, and guess what? It's a shit ton of galleons!" Marlene exclaimed.

"Calm down, Marls." Dorcas said, while doing her Divination homework.

think-Im having-a-panic-attack-right-
now!" Marlene said in one breath.

"Woah, woah, we can't even understand you right now. Now, calm down." Lily spoke.

"Never!" Marlene yelled, getting out of the dorms since she was done getting ready in the morning in a hurry.

Lily let out a sigh "Childish Marlene."

"You guys want gummies? I was eating it this entire time since Marlene's yells. I find it kinda amusing, actually." Astrid spoke up. The three remaining girls realized that she kept quiet the whole time, turned to look at her.

Astrid was already in her robes, eating gummy, her favorite sweets.

"Well, I'll see you guys in the Great Hall later." Astrid said, getting up from her bed. There were choruses of goodbyes and she finally left the dorm.


The five girls all sat in the Gryffindor table, chatting with each other.

"So, here's the joke, when-" Marlene got cut off by a flock of owls enter the Great Hall. "Oh look!" She pointed her finger towards the owls that had mails.

While the others were looking up to see if they have received any letters or something from their guardians, Astrid didn't look up.

"Don't you expect something from your parents, Astrid?" Dorcas spoke with slight confusion and worry.

Astrid shook her head and continued eating her chocolate pancakes. Although, it seemed like the other four girls knew something was wrong, but they didn't push it.


As Astrid was walking towards the Divination class, somebody yelled her name behind her, "Hey Monroe!"
Astrid recognized the voice and turned around to see the Marauders.

"What?" She asked.

"So, since the Hogsmeade trip is tomorrow, and because your Lily's best friend, can you do me a favor?" James said.

"What favor?" She said.

"I want you to try and convince her to go on a date with me." He replied.

"Well, what's in it for me?" She questioned.

"We'll do your homework for a week."
James answered. But, Astrid didn't believe it, since the Marauders don't even do their own.

"No, I can't do that." Astrid said.

"Why not?" James asked.

"Because you guys don't even do your own homework besides Remus. Plus, I'll only be of help when she actually agrees to go on a date with you. That's all. Good luck." Astrid said, turning around to go to her Divination class.

James turned to the other Marauders, disappointed. "Well lads, Plan B failed."

"Plan A it is." He said with a sigh.


Astrid, and the other four girls were walking into the corridors towards the green house, they were suddenly stopped by the Marauders.

"Lily-flower, there you are!" James said with enthusiasm.

"What is it this time again Potter?" Lily asked in a frustrated tone.

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