7 - Ball | Part One

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Who the hell does this guy think he is?

"The British should've won that war, I'm telling you! And then America would still be a colony, and everything will be great!"

Me and Alexander just watch as this guy rambles on about how the British are superior. Someone please come and save us.

Hercules suddenly barges in, seemingly annoyed. While George is distracted, me and Alexander slide away and walk towards Hercules.

"Hey, what's up, man? You okay?" I ask him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

He sighs. "Yeah, it's just my roommate, Charles Lee... He is unbearably annoying."

"I feel bad. Having to stay in a room with someone you hate."

Hercules laughs humorlessly. "You should be... Are we the first one's here?"

Me and Alexander nod. Herc smiles. "Ooh! Better get that punch before someone spikes it." He walk away to the table with the snacks and stuff.

Alexander was being serious about the punch thing?

After a few moments of just standing awkwardly, Lafayette enters. He sees us and runs up to us. "Yo, Alexander. That Burr guy really wants to talk to you."

Alexander groans. "Ugh... He's probably just gonna keep complaining... I don't want to deal with that right now."

Lafayette smiles. "Yeah, but it's okay. I don't think he'd find you once all the people get here."

He nods. I think for a moment. "Uh, Lafayette? I'm sorry about what happened at the mall earlier."

He shrugs. "Eh, it's fine. It was mostly my fault." It goes quiet for a bit. "Where's Herc?"

"Oh, he's getting punch."

Lafayette's eyes widen. "Oh, I forgot about that! Gotta always get the punch before someone spikes it!"

Is this something I've never heard of? Why is everybody saying this?

"I'll wait until he leaves until I get my cup. Tu as l'air en forme ce soir." Lafayette complimented, looking at our clothes.

I smile just a bit wider. "Thanks. You look good too."

Hercules is now walking back. As he is, some random people start to walk in. It was around twenty people in five seconds. Hercules stands next to Alexander.

Lafayette quickly went to get the punch before the people spike it, I'm guessing.

"So, what do we do now?" I ask, looking and Alex and Herc.

Alexander shrugs. "I guess wait until the Schuyler sisters come."

Hercules raises an eyebrow. "What if they don't come?"

I scoff. "They will... Probably." I turn around to see George, now in the corner of the room, hugging an American flag and crying his eyes out.

What is wrong with that guy?


Why? Why did you have to leave like that? I loved you... I loved you so much, America. But after learning about the war, I could no longer.

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