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It was Monday and we had math's as our first subject luckily in math I wasn't sitting close to Eric, kind of (we are sitting in the same role but he was sitting with another person)

I entered class to not see him there , I was happy I hoped he changed his school. But as soon as I sat down he entered.

We were currently learning "repérage dans l'espace" and the teacher gave us some exercises to do, Few minutes later she called upon one of us to come to the board and solve the question. "It's 420" eric said, "no it's 424" I said as I turned to him, "it's 420" Eric replied as he looked at me , no it's not, wanna bet he said, my pleasure I replied, suddenly I heard the teacher say 424 , haa I said as I turned to eric and stick out my tongue, then the boy that was supposed to answer the question came and I realized that he wasn't doing the second exercise but the first one which answer to that was 420 .

The boy wrote 420 and I looked at Eric who was smiling then he also stick his tongue out and I did the same thing, ERIC AND ALISON the teacher said she must've seen us. Eric looked at me and smiled while I rolled my eyes whispering "whatever" to myself


It's was 10:00 am and we had science, "okay guys" the teacher said as we finished writing our note. She checked the time and it was just 10:35 am we still had a lot of time, "divide the class into four group we're going to do a group work" she said . I looked at Eric who was right across me, I hope the teacher doesn't choose who we should be with, cause if she chooses eric I'll just jump out of the school window . You can choose your group she said, two minutes later we were all in groups.

"Okay so the group of Alison you'll be against the group of Ismail", "the group of eric you'll be against ground of Tina and the winner will play against each other", I looked at Eric so that means I'm going to play against you I said ( everyone looked at us confused but only me and him know what we're talking about) "can't wait he said this is gonna be fun I said". But I didn't care if it was fun I just wanted to win.

"Okay we will begin", the teacher said as she got her laptop and went to a site,so theirs going to be questions and you guys are going to have to answer it.

First let start with the group of Tina and Eric she said, five minutes later eric teams were winning by two points, what is the largest species of owl? The teacher asked Tina's team, blakiston's fish owl one of Tina's group mate shouted, correct she said. Well I guess that's one point plus for them.

Who was the first feminist to exist? She asked Eric's group if they got the question right that means they won . Christine de pison Eric said, right the teacher said so that means Eric's group won. Suddenly Eric's group started jumping and shouting while eric looked at me. We wouldn't have done it without you Eric a girl called Olivia said as she tried hugging Eric but he stood back and smiled.

okay the teacher said as she looked at me and Ismail, who will play against Eric's group.

It's been 7 minutes and my group and Ismail group were both equally, okay guys the teacher said this is the last question any group that's get's it will be the winner. Which British cathedral is know for it's central octagonal tower.

20 seconds passed and we were still thinking, ELY CATHEDRAL I shouted, correct the teacher said. Everyone in my group jump and were happy.
But I wasn't happy, because I knew the real victory has yet begun, I looked at eric then he mouthed " good luck you'll need it" you mean you will mouthed back.

Okay guys let the game begin the teacher said since this is the final let's make it just a little better, any group can answer the question and the time limit is 30 seconds . What if none of us answer it after 30 seconds I asked, then you lose one point each she replied, let's beginning

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