*pain and pleasure

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*things get hot and heavy 

The initial shock of what he had said gave him an opportunity to kiss her and sneak his tongue inside her mouth. She placed her hands on his chest and kissed him back, deepening the kiss. She felt him slowly start backing her into the wall. Without her control her legs began parting around Aegon and he took that as an opportunity to lift her up and fit her around his hips. Still kissing her, he roughly he pushed up her skirts, sneaking his hands gently along her thigh.

"Aegon, we shouldn't..." Alyssa started trying to catch her breath. She needed a moment, or maybe an hour to collect herself and reflect on why in the seven hells she was allowing Aegon of all people to lay his hands on her.

He broke the kiss and looked deeply into her eyes, reading her every thought. "If we shouldn't then why are you blushing like that?" He questioned, only causing her to further redden. Noticing this he smirked and continued, "Besides, you were happy to carry on with Lord Steven or whatever his name was."

"You can't talk, Aegon. You've laid with every girl in King's Landing and you're still not satisfied. What does that say about you?"

Aegon laughed, "It means that only you can satisfy me, Princess." He continued tracing his fingers up her legs but it was far too slow. Alyssa had waited far too long for this. She may not have wanted to accept it but deep down inside her she knew there was a desire to be with Aegon. Fed up with the inaction, she pushed him hard in the chest onto the bed behind them. It was covered in gold and brown pillows and candles lit up the dark room. With one hand still on his chest she pushed the pillows off the bed and forced Aegon down. Aegon gasped wide eyed shocked at her forcefulness.

"I like this side of you, Princess" He exclaimed breathing deeply. Alyssa straddled him and shushed him. "If you keep making so much noise someone will hear and I will kill you." She exclaimed, holding her finger up threateningly. Aegon's eyes were dark and focused on her. "You'll be the one making all the noise soon, Alyssa." He laughed drunk on her touch.

"Shhh.." She whispered leaning down to kiss him. "Why are you still dressed?" She huffed annoyed.

Aegon smirked, "Why don't you remedy it?" She reached down grabbing his shirt and lifting it off him. As she was distracted with his shirt Aegon grabbed reached up under her corset roughly grabbing her breasts. Alyssa gasped freezing as he massaged her chest under her corset. Forget about undoing his shirt, Alyssa could no longer wait. She began moving her hips up and down rubbing against him on purpose. She kissed him slowly and ever so softly as he reached up in attempt to deepen the kiss. Fed up with the waiting, Aegon lifted her skirts up roughly almost pushing her off of him. This caught Alyssa by surprise who reacted by slapping Aegon across the face. She knew in a deep twisted way he'd love that. Since when did she want to do things he would like? She didn't have time to think, for now she was focused on his hands on her waist and her hips rubbing against his breaches. Aegon froze for a second after the slap, and in seconds she had been flipped over roughly and found herself lying on her back on the bed. Her chest moving up and down, lungs gasping for air, Aegon stared at her angrily, he grabbed her legs wrapping them around him and shoving the fabrics of her dress away. He couldn't take the wait anymore, and neither could she.

"Enough with this stupid dress." He exclaimed fed up, "It is my order as King that you never wear a dress like this again."

Not liking not being in charge anymore, she rebutted with "And what if I do, your grace?" Looking up at him with innocent eyes. He grunted ripping down his trousers and moving aside her undergarments.

"Finally you're showing some leadership" She teased trying to get a reaction out of him as he slid inside her. He was thick and hard and exactly what she needed. She gasped as he entered but instantly found her legs tightening around him, pushing him deeper, willing him deeper. She needed to feel something, to be filled up. He began thrusting into her trying to carve her out, feel her insides. He wanted to make her scream and he was determined to tonight.

"If I hear one more word from you .." He started thrusting deeply into her, with his arms he wrapped her legs even tighter around his body, he groaned at their closeness, rolling his eyes as Alyssa wrapped her arms around his neck. She brought them even closer together as she moaned at his rough thrusts.

"More, Aegon." She pleaded from under him. "I want more, harder .." She trailed off moaning and grabbing his back, pulling him further into her.

Aegon groaned rolling his hips into her, "I knew you wanted it, once I'm done with you I'm going to ..." He trailed off loosing his concentration.

"And what are you going to do with me, my King?" She questioned finding it amusing and doing her best childlike impression. Gaining a moan out of Aegon he started, "I'll fuck you so hard you won't ..." He stopped. As suddenly they both turned to the side hearing a noise. Someone had pushed open the curtains. Aegon didn't move but Alyssa grabbed her dress and pulled it down as best she could. Suddenly Aemond appeared at the curtain. The room was fairly dim but it was obvious to anyone what they had been doing. There was a woman behind him though that she did not recognise. She looked much older than any of them though. Alyssa was mortified, Aemond stood mere meters away smirking as Aegon was still inside her throbbing.

"Brother!" Aegon started, drunk as ever, "Shouldn't you be going to Storm's End?" He questioned still on top of Alyssa, making slight movements in and out of her as she tried her best to focus on Aemond at the curtains.

Aemond scoffed, "I am leaving on the morrow". He walked out with the unknown woman following him as Aegon laughed.

"Who was that woman, Aegon?" Alyssa questioned, confused and stressed.

"She's Celeste, or Sylvie." He trailed off confused, "I brought Aemond here on his 13th nameday and it seems he can't let her go." He laughed thinking it all so amusing.

Alyssa stared at him bewildered, "You brought him to a brothel on his 13th nameday, Aegon?"

"What? I'm sure you were frequenting these establishments at that age."

Alyssa shook her head at a loss for words and pushed him off her. How could he do that? And how could he think it funny? Clearly he hadn't changed at all. He was a complete imbecile and she couldn't believe she had fallen into his trap tonight.

Swiftly she got up without saying a single word and left the brothel.  

Aegon Targaryen x OC  | TempestuousWhere stories live. Discover now