【Dad beats Dad】

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"Fan the flame that freedom ignites." -Unknown
Vaggie could be seen yawning awake,"Oh... Charlie?" Vaggie calls out.

Vaggie gets dressed and walks down to the lobby, seeing Niffty and Husk.

"Don't understand why it's not working..." Charlie muttered."Think Charlie think... think, think, think,think."

"Trust falls,ever single morning we could do..."

"Yikes..." Angel said weird out.

"Charlie... sweetie." Vaggie calls out nervously.

"Come on...come on!" Charlie muttered.

"You uh good sweetie?" Vaggie asked nervously.

Charlie snaps her neck to Vaggie,"No! Not really, hahaha!" Charlie stated."I've been up all night trying to figure out why the hotel isn't working."

"We've done Trust Falls. We've shared our feelings."

"We have only a couple months left before the angels come."  Charlie rambles on.Charlie laughs demonic, and her forms begin to show,"And at this rate..."

"Maybe it's time..." Vaggie said.

"No." Charlie snaps her neck to Vaggie.

"To ask.." Vaggie continues on.

"Don't say it." Charlie said, grabbing Vaggie face in horror.

"Your dad." Vaggie finished.

Charlie groans.

"Charlie, I get you two don't want to, but we need every advantage we could get."  Vaggie said.

"He agrees to let the extermination happen to begin with!" Charlie stated."They just had a meeting and said,"go ahead and kill everyone!"

Charlie just thought up an idea gasping,"Wait! That's it!" Charlie said.

"Kill everyone?" Vaggie asked.

"No. He could get me a meeting with heaven!" Charlie said excitingly.

"Didn't we already try that?" Vaggie asked in confusion.

"Well, yeah, with Adam. He was an asshole." Charlie stated."But he isn't in charge of all of heaven. We could go to the top!"

"There's sure to be some Angels who will listen!"

Charlie swipes through her contacts and stops at 'dad'.

"What's the hold up? You got daddy issues?" Husk remarks.

"No! We just... never been close." Charlie said nervously."After he and mom fell out of love and split, h never really wanted to see me."

"He calls! Sometimes... but only if he's bored or like needs me to do something."

"Daddy issue." Husk whispers to the others.

"Maybe this will help Char?" [N] chimes in.

"I hope.." Charlie muttered.

"Well, I'd live to meet the big dick in charge." Angel said.

"The ultimate bad boy!" Niffty chimes in."I bet he's scary."

"That's it. Almost there." Lucifer said."Now presenting..."

"The magic- tactical backflipping rubber duck!" 

"Ha ha! That spits fire!" Lucifer said excitingly. Lucifer laughs childish at that.

"Hold the applause! Please,okay." Lucifer said to the ducks."Oh, thank you! Thank you. Oh God, who am I kidding? This sucks!"

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