♡ Part 5

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Upon leaving, she searched the town and stopped in front of a convenience store. She bought an ice cream and a few lollipops before paying for everything and taking off.

She looked around and her gaze stopped when she saw Jay approaching Minu. She kept her profile low and sat down on a bench before eating her matcha ice cream. Jay interacted with Minu and June before TJ came out of nowhere and started insulting Jay's bike.


After a few minutes, the race finished and Jay won while TJ ran into a fence and was injured badly. He came back with a bloodied face and it was the end of the exciting part. She opened a grape flavoured lolipop before walking to her bike and taking off. Not knowing Jay's gaze landed on her figure for a moment.

She went back home after everything and was greeted by Anastasia again.

"Hey girl.."

She muttered before yawning. She took her helmet off and placed it on top of the counter before she made her way upstairs and changed into her nightgown and got ready to rest for tonight. She alarmed her phone 6:00 Am in the morning again before laying down. Letting the darkness consume her again.



The sound of her alarm echoed through the room and she slowly opened her eyes but it was dark.


She yawned before grabbing Anastasia from her face and laying her down on her lap as [Y/N] turned her alarm off.

"Sitting on my face? Seriously, Stasia?"

Anastasia purred and licked her leg.

"You're so dramatic, girl.."

[Y/N] chuckled before kissing her head and slowly got up and Anastasia followed suit. She pushed her curtains aside, letting the sun shine through the window. [Y/N] yawned before stretching her limbs before getting ready for the day.

A few minutes pass by and Anastasia followed be downstairs as I cooked my breakfast, providing me emotional support just by being there. I ate my breakfast while scrolling through Instagram liking a few post here and there before she got up to wash her dishes and utensils. She went upstairs to her room to grab her towel.

She made her way to the bathroom and took a quick shower before brushing her teeth. She made her way to her room and did everything she did before going to school.

She grabbed her helmet from the kitchen counter before feeding Anastasia and waving her goodbye before heading to school.


She parked her bike to where she usually parked it before walking inside the school to her classroom. Her gaze immediately landed to Jay who was studying, he made her feel.. Weird. She shrugged her feelings aside before walking pass him and secretly placed a Wasabi flavoured candy on table, making him look up at her.

'What's this for?'

"For you."

[Y/N] quickly dismissed him by walking away. He grabbed the candy, unwrapping it and popping it into his mouth.

She look to her right and saw Dom sleeping while drooling again. Then came lunch and I quietly ate in my seat. Another clas pass by and Dom.. Yep, you guessed it. Asleep.

Time passed by quickly and it was the end of another school day. I left the classroom before someone grabbed my wrist, making turn around. Only to see Jay looking at me intensely.

'Thank you. For the candy.' He then let go and walked pass her.

What the hell.. That scared me..

She then walks few steps behind him and she made her way to her bike, unlocking it before mounting it. She was about to leave until she saw Dom talking to Jay about his bike.

'Hey! Can I try out your bike for a sec?' Dom said excitedly while grasping Jay's shoulder, expecting him to say yes. But Jay just took off, leaving him standing.

'A dumbass like you would probably end up busting it!' Dom exclaimed while flipping him off as Jay peddled away.


And on the way to get his tires fixed, one of his wheels finally gave up and popped.
As he examined his bike, a voice came up behind him and he turned around, only to be face to face with TJ and his goons.

'Want me to fix that piece of crap for you?' TJ's voice rang out as he had a sadistic grin on his face.

And at the perfect timing, Dom was walking home and he saw Jay getting beat up and quickly stopped the fight.

'Cut it out, all of you.'

All of them turned towards his direction as he dropped his bag and cracked his knuckles, ready to beat them up. But one of TJ's friend stopped him and told them to just go while having scared looks in their eyes.

She was going for a casual stroll while going he until I heard the commotion and she quickly took a sharp turn and stopped next to Dom. He heard a soft screech and turned to her.

'Oh, hello new girl.' He said with a curious look on his face and soon turned into an excited one when he saw her bike.

'So cool!!'

TJ and his goons eventually scurried away and left, leaving me, Dom, and injured Jay. I walk toward him and offered a hand.

"Are you okay? Here let me help."

Jay just stood up by himself and wiped the blood off his face as he looked at the both of us with a cold look.

'I'm fine, just forget about me and go.'

Is this asshole being for real right now?

Meanwhile while Minu was walking with two girls, TJ walked pass them and he overheard their conversation. He quickly excused himself and took off running.

'Why all of the sudden?!'

They exclaimed before Minu made his way to us. As Dom explained what happened, I offered Jay for help but he turned me down everytime. Then when the three of us finally got sick of his ass, Dom hit him in the back of the head and Jay collapsed.

"Well holy shit." I mumbled.

'Do you know where he lives?' Minu chimed in as Dom carried Jay's unconscious body and he deadpanned.

'Nope.' Dom answered.

"What?!" I look at him and slapped the back of his head.

'Are you outta your mind?' Minu joined in as he held my bike and Jay's.

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