♡ Part 7

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A few days has passed after being teleported here in Wind Breaker, and it was fun just as I imagined. I've met a lot of good people who became my close friends and I'm loving my new life right now.


[Y/N] yawned before she groggily sat up and turned her alarm off.

"I should really change my alarm.." I mutter before yawning and got up to open my window curtains. I look down at the buildings below me before I began to stretch.

Anastasia came in and meowed before jumping to my bed and laid down.

"And good morning to you too." I chuckle softly while doing jumping jacks.

After I finished doing a quick exercise, I make my way downstairs as my stomach grumbled hard, signalling my ass to eat.

"I forgot to eat dinner last night.."

I shrugged it aside before toasting two slices of bread, I grab my peanut butter and strawberry jam before proceeding to cook an egg. After cooking, I began to eat while Dom made a group chat containing him, Minu, me, and Jay last night. I sent an egg emoji before I put my phone down and focused eating.

After eating, I went back upstairs to my room and grabbed my towel, finding Stasia still asleep as I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Then, I got into my uniform and did everything I needed for school. I went downstairs to refill Stasia's water and and food before slipping my helmet on and wore my shoes.

"Wait... Don't I have any gloves?"

I make my way to my 'bike room' and searched the drawers and found multiple fingerless gloves.


I picked a black one before finally leaving for school. I walk to my bike, unlocked it, before taking off to school.


And.. Before [Y/N] knew it, she was sitting on the back while Shelly introduced herself.

Ah.. Shelly.. She's gonna kiss Jay.. Don't tell me you're jealous, [Y/N].

Am I..? Fuck!

I sigh softly as she smirked and looked towards Jay.

'I found him..' She mumbled to herself before she made her way next to Jay and leaned in to kiss his cheek. But her lips touched a piece of paper instead.

You're fucking unbelievable, [Y/N].

Shelly looked at me with a glare as she raised an eyebrow.

'What are you doing?' She crossed her arms.

"Sorry.. I don't think he feels comfortable with strangers kissing him. Right, Jay?"

I turn to Jay who looked up at Shelly then me, and slowly nodded.

I look at Shelly and shrugged my shoulders before slumping down my seat as the class got loud because of the interaction I had with her.

'Holy shit! Two hotties arguing because of our President?! So lucky!!'

I drown the background noise with music and just looked outside and mind my own business as Shelly kept flirting with Jay as students specially guys surrounded them, making me sigh softly in annoyance. Minu came rushing in and pulled me and Jay aside.

'Seriously guys?! Why didn't you both call me?!'

"No one cared." He cuts me off as he placed a hand on my mouth and I rolled my eyes.

'We even did something that made us adults, right Dom?!' He said as he turned to Dom and he nodded. And the class gasp

Me and Jay deadpanned before I slapped him.

"Are you insane?! Can you think before you talk?! Jeez!" I turn to the class and point at Minu.

"No one believe this dumbass!"


After class, I began to pack my things before slipping another Wasabi flavoured lolipop on Jay's table, and he quickly grabbed my wrist.

'Thank you for treating me a few days ago and.. Today.'

I turn to him and nodded slightly before he let go. I began to walk away, Jay walking a few steps behind me before he called out to Jay and me, showing a poster that said 'League of Street'.

'Not interested. Stop bothering me.' Jay said as he turned down Minu's offer once more.

'What about you, [Y/N]?' He turned to me with pleading eyes, holding up a poster in my face. I put the poster down.

"Sounds interesting. I'm in." Then, Minu grinned and grabbed my shoulders and shook me.

"Let go!" I said before pushing Minu away.

Jay looked at me, his eyes wide a bit before looking away, clearly hesitant.

'Actually.. I'll just check it out first..' Jay mumbled.

Minu insisted and forced me to stay over at Jay's place first and I just agreed, going home first to grab some spare clothes and feeding Anastasia before arriving back to Jay's place. I park my bike before going inside.

I quickly change clothes into his bathroom, wearing a long sleeved shirt and some shorts before I sat on their couch next to Minu whike the three of us watched TV.

Sangho then appeared in an interview, giving Mahon Jo, back handed compliments and even talked his death and accused of Mahon of 'doping' made Jay's blood boil.

'Hey loser.. I'm going to do that competition.' Jay said, his gaze fixated on the screen as me and Minu looked at him.

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