♡ Part 6

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After a few minutes of walking and introducing ourselves, we stopped to a Pharmacy and I bought the necessities for Jay's wounds. We quickly looked down at his unconscious figure and we deadpan.

"This a bad idea.." I mumbled while letting out a soft sigh.

As I was about to offer my place for him to stay, his little brother came into the picture and was walking home when he saw us with his brother. His eyes widened.

'JAY?!?!' He screamed when he saw his older brother's unconscious figure on the ground. We turn to him and raised an eyebrow.

'Did he just say his name?'  Dom said to Minu to which Minu replied 'I think so.'

The poor little kid panicked and excused himself by saying he didn't know Jay but continued to walk fast.

'HEY!! WHY IS HE ACTING SO CALM WHILE RUNNING AWAY?!' Dom and Minu chimed as I groaned in annoyance.

"Follow him for goodness sake!"

I said before grabbing Jay's bag and followed Jay's little brother and Dom and Minu followed too. When we caught up, we introduced ourselves as Jay's friend and his brother calmed down and led us to his house.

I'm actually seeing Jay's house in real life..

We made our way inside and to his room, Dom plopped him down on the bed and I kneel down began to treat his wounds. Cleaning them before wrapping them in gauze pads. After finishing I stood up and stretched legs.

We all looked around while Minu and Dom talked to Jay's little brother and I just took in his room. Admiring the books he had.

A huge bookshelf like that will make me so happy..

Dom and Minu saw a small picture frame next to Jay's bed and looked at little Jay and his uncle, Mahon Jo. I let them be and I admired how clean Jay's room was. I flinch when Jay's voice rang out, now he was awake.

'What do you think you're doing in my house?' Jay's voice echoed through the room and I turned to him.

'Looks like he's awake.' Minu said. 'Sleep well?' Dom joined.

Jay walked towards the both of them and snatched the picture from Dom's hand as he glared at them.

'Keep your grubby hands off my stuff and get the hell outta here.' Jay said cooly and Minu grabbed a small mirror before pointing it at Jay's face.

'Aw~ don't be like that~ we brought you all the way here and she even took care of you.' Minu chimed and Jay turned towards me.

'You.' Jay's eyes slightly narrowed as he eyed me up and down. Making me raise an eyebrow.

"What? I didn't touch anything?"

When reading the webtoon, Jay ripped out all of the band-aid that Dom placed on Jay's wounds but I'm surprised he didn't rip out mine..

Dom and Minu then planned something devious, Minu caged Jay while Dom made his way to Jay's computer and opened all the files he had, only to find educational things there. I was watching everything as I was beside Jay. Dom then installed a file. Dom then opened the file, revealing a.. Not appropriate video.


'Jay, I'm going to-' His little brother stopped as he opened the door and saw what we were watching. My cheeks flush red and we all stared at the screen while freezing in place. Even Jay stopped fuzzing around.

After everything that happened, I let out a soft sigh and grabbed my helmet.

"I'll be going first, see you all tomorrow."

I said while slipping my helmet on as they all looked at me.

'Alreadyy? Please stay [Y/N]!' Dom pleaded and I turned him down.

I had a cat to take care of.

Dom and Minu and I exchanged numbers before I left Jay's place to go back home.

Wait.. Which way do I go..


After getting lost about 5 times, I finally found my way home. Parked my bike and went back up to my Penthouse. Anastasia greeted me with a meow as I took of my shoes.

"Hey there, miss ma'am." I said before making my way to the kitchen and she followed behind, purring and meowing. I grab her cat food and began to feed her as she ate. I place my bag down to the couch and my helmet down on my kitchen counter.

I make my way upstairs and changed into something comfortable and laid down before changing Dom and Minu's nickname on my contacts.

Band-aid dude - Dom
Some red haired man - Minu

I eventually alarmed my phone again before closing the lights and began to rest for tonight. I yawn as I slowly drifted into a deep slumber..

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