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I tapped my fingers on the armrest of my chair as I thought about what I was looking at.

"You are telling me the Kingdom of Earthwall want to join allies with us?"I asked Aaron who was about to walk out of my room.

"Correct." He answered. I got up from my chair and walked towards him. "But why. Our two Kingdoms have have been enemies from the start." I said as I began pacing around to think.

"I don't know."He answered." What does my dad say about this? "I asked him as I stopped pacing.

" He is on board with it. He says it's about time we end this 'useless' hatred amongst our two Kingdoms. And yes he said 'useless'. "He answered." Sounds about right. "I muttered to myself.

My dad has always been one for peace and does not believe in having enemies and sometimes I am concerned and do not agree with him. The Kingdom of Earthwall have done a lot to our Kingdom and at some point years back wanted to invade our Kingdom and take over.

"Okay. What does my grandpa say about this?" I asked already knowing he definitely did not agree. "Well he is definitely not on board." He answered.

"Can you call for a family meeting?This is a matter we all need to discuss." I said and ran a hand through my hair.

Aaron nod then walked out of my room. All this seemed off to me.

I walked out of my room and made my way upstairs to the third floor then walked down the hallway to the meeting room to wait for everyone.

I sat down on my chair and did not have to wait too long before my mom and dad   arrived and took their seats, leaving only my grandpa left to get here.

We all sat in silence waiting for my grandpa and ten minutes later walked into the room and got straight to the chase starting the meeting.

"Now I know there is no way we are agreeing to joining allies with them." He said taking his seat.

"I agree. We can't join allies with them." I began and my grandpa nod.

"But think about it what if they don't want to be enemies anymore. What if they want peace between our two Kingdoms. I know I do." Dad began and grandpa shook his head.

"What I know about the Windsors they never choose peace. They are always fighting, have a lot of Kingdoms under theirs, which were forcefully invaded need I add. They hate us and always will, all this allies shit is probably a way to get us at our most vulnerable state. "Grandpa said.

" I don't know what to say to all this. But what I know is that the Windsors are no family of peace. "Mom began.

" I do agree with all your statements on them. But even they could surprise us and actually be willing to make peace."Dad said.

" Okay. So we all agree on saying no to this? "Grandpa asked and mom and dad agreed but I was doing a lot of thinking.

" Arthur?" Grandpa said bringing me out of my thoughts." Right. I don't agree on saying no to them. "I said and they all looked at me like I was crazy so I continued," We know the Windsors. This is probably not a peace making ally joking. But a bad one. If you think about it they want to be our allies so we forgive them and think they have changed and trust them then strike us at our most vulnerable. But what if we do the same just to make sure they don't do a lot. Knowing them if we say no they would do something way worse. "

" I agree with Arthur. Let's say we agree with joining allies. I mean this is not too bad coming from them."Grandpa said and mom and dad agreed too.

" Aaron can you imform them that we agree. And schedule a meeting with them for next week. "I said to Aaron who was standing behind me.

We all got up and left. I need to go get some fresh air and think about all this.

I walked down the stairs then down the hallway then down the stairs.

I was passing the sitting room when I stopped because I saw Emma and Eleanore.

I walked into the sitting room and they both looked at me. "Arthur, Eleanore is playing with me. We are playing Simon says." Emma said and Eleanore nod, "And she is winning ten zero." Eleanore said and I raised a questioning brow.

"You can win in Simon says?" I asked and Eleanore looked at me. "She is a kid. And Kids like winning." She explained.

"Okay. I will leave you two to it then." I said and turned around and walked out of the sitting room then out the palace.

I decided to stand by the door and look around for a while as I subconsciously fall back into thinking.



From this chapter onwards it is going to be a dual pov. The first six chapters were to basically build up and I wanted to write them in Eleanor's pov.

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