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I opened my eyes as I heard a knock at the door then let out a groan. I reached for my phone to check the time and it was midnight.

The knocking continued and I already knew who it was. "I am coming." I said as I got up from the bed and strolled to open the door.

And as expected I was met with Arthur. "I can't sleep." He began causing me to raise a confused brow so he continued, "When I can't sleep I go outside. I am sorry to wake you up at midnight. But may you come with me?" He continued.

"It's okay. I mean it is my job to go with you everywhere you go. Let me put on some shoes and a jacket first." I said then turned around and made my way to the closet then picked out a pair of shoes to put on and wore a jacket.

I sat on my bed as I put on the shoes then got up and walked back to the door and got out closing the door behind me.

" Where are we going? "I asked him as we began walking." The river in the forest behind the palace. "He answered." River? "I questioned and he nod.

As we were about to leave we heard the Queens voice coming from the dining hall," Emma you said you would go back to bed after eating your cereal. "Her voice echoed.

" Carry me mama." Princess Emma's voice echoed aswell. Arthur decided to walk into the dining hall before leaving so I followed him.

"Arthur!" Emma exclaimed and began moving in her mom's arms so she put her down. She ran up to him and he carried her, "Hey Emma."

"Arthur darling where are you going at this time?" His mom asked him. "I just wanted to get some fresh air." He answered.

"Hello darling." She greeted me with a hug catching me off guard before letting go of me. I looked at Arthur and he nod. "Hello." I greeted her back the same way she greeted me. Apparently the whole family does not like being addressed formally.

I haven't met the King, Queen, Princess and Mr Lancaster since I began working for Arthur. They were not in the Kingdom and when they were which was for a day this week we were not here.

She smiled at me then gave Arthur a look confusing me. "Oh no. No she is not my girlfriend if you were gonna ask. She is my bodyguard. Remember the one I told you about?" He said and I almost choked on air.

"I did not say anything." She smiled and Arthur shook his head.

"Love, come meet Arthur's new bodyguard." She said and Arthur and I turned around to see the King walk into the dining hall.

"Hello nice to meet you." He greeted me as he shook my hand and I greeted him back. The Queen and King gave each other a look and Arthur sighed.

Arthur gave Emma to the King then said goodbye to them. "She is pretty and seems nice. You are pretty and seem nice." The Queen said and I choked on air. "Thank you." I thanked her and she smiled.

Arthur took my hand. "We will be on our leave now." He said and began walking. They all waved and I waved back.

Once we were outside he let go of my hand. "I am sorry about them. Don't mind them." He said and I shook my head, "No problem."

He lead me to the backyard then walked out of the gate from the backyard that lead to the forest.

We continued walking further into the forest until we reached the river. It was surrounded by rocks of all sizes and beautiful flowers.

Arthur walked up to a big rock and climbed on it and sat down then looked at the river.

I made my way closer to the river were many of the flowers were. "Are these safe to touch?" I asked him and he looked at me. "The pink and white ones are safe. But the purple and blue ones can kill." He answered.

I picked out a few pink and white ones then made my way to a not too big rock and sat down.

"Do you come here often?" I asked him. "Yeah when I can't sleep. I find the flow of the river calming." He answered and I stared at the river then sat in silence watching it and it actually was calming.

"Do you like flowers?" Arthur asked me and I looked at him. "Yeah. My dad loves planting them and I love having them." I smiled thinking about my dad.

It has only been almost two weeks and I already miss my parents, Esme and even  my neighbors.

"It's getting too late now. We can go back." He said getting off the rock he was sitting on and I got off mine.

We walked back to the palace and once we reached our rooms I wasted no time in taking off my shoes and going to sleep.


I stared at the clock on my wall as I waited for Arthur. After breakfast Arthur told me to wait in my room and said he had a surprise for me, surprising me.

There was a knock on my door. I got up from my bed and walked up to the door and answered it.

Standing before me was Aaron and Arthur. And Arthur had a flower pot in his hands which he handed to me. " I made you an early birthday gift and also want to thank you for being my best worker ever." He said and I took the pot.

"Oh wow. Not like I have been working for you and best friends with you for six years or anything." Aaron said causing me to laugh.

"Uh thanks. But my birthday already passed." I said so he rephrased the sentence, "Okay then, late birthday gift."

"Thank you. Are we going anywhere today?" I asked him. "No today I have a meeting here, which is in three hours so you are free for three hours." He said and I nod.

"You make pottery?" I asked remembering that he said he made it. "Yeah my grandma taught me. She used to love it." He answered. "Okay. Thanks again. It looks really nice." I said before they left and I closed the door.

I walked up to my flower basket then picked out the flowers that weren't already dead and put them in the flower pot then made my way to the bathroom to pour water in the pot.

I walked back into my room and placed the pot on my nightstand then smiled.


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