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I love going outside and talking to Jameson every time I am free. He has become a very close friend to me.

"How old is your daughter?" I asked him after he told me that he has a daughter. "She is Twenty one. And you actually remind me of her." He said, "She is my age too." I said with a smile.

Jameson and I looked at the door when the King, Queen, Mr Lancaster, Aaron and Arthur walked out. Arthur walked up to me.

"Goodmorning Jameson and Eleanore." He greeted us and we greeted him back. "Eleanore it is good you are here. I have a meeting which in this one you really need to be there." He said then walked towards his family, standing next to them in a line.

I walked up to them and stood next to Arthur. We stood there for five minutes before the palace gates opened and three black cars drove in.

Out stepped the Earthwall royal family and I flinched. Everyone in Adenvale knows them to be the enemy and always has. They are in many of our history books, which state many bad things they have done to us.

They began walking towards us and stood infront of us.

"Greetings." The King of Earthwall began. "Greetings." The king greeted him back. Then after they greeted each other everyone else greeted each other.

A security guard walked up to us holding a box. "Kindly before we enter the palace please put all your weapons in the box." Mr Lancaster said and they looked at him. "Now you don't just immediately trust your enemies of many decades." He continued pointing to the box.

They all put all the weapons they had on them in the box, shocking me with how many weapons they actually had on them.

The security guard left then we all entered the palace and made our way to the third floor. Then down the hallway to the last door and entering.

They all took their seats around a table and Aaron and I stood behind Arthur.

They began their meeting and as usual it was really boring. But I was getting weird vibes in the room and Prince Julian kept looking at Arthur with a dark expression on his face giving me an uneasy feeling, which I tried to brush of, but I couldn't as he kept looking at him.

The meeting which ended up being two hours ended and they all stood up and walked out of the meeting room then walked in silence until we were all outside.

The Kings said their farewells before everyone else said theirs. And when Prince Julian was shaking Arthur's hand I got another uneasy feeling.

The security guard from earlier came back with the box with their weapons and gave them back to them.

As they were walking to their cars I noticed Prince Julian give Arthur a look.

After all three cars drove out and the gates closed everyone scattered. Arthur and Aaron were about to walk inside when I stopped them, "Wait." They stopped walking and turned around to face me.

"I need to talk to you guys." I said and I walked to them. "About?" Arthur asked and I pointed at the gate, "Them, especially Prince Julian." I said and they kept quite waiting for me to continue.

"I feel like Prince Julian might be your attacker or master mind on your attack." I continued. "He kept giving you weird looks the entire meeting. Weird looks." I added.

"I mean I wouldn't put it past him to have done it." Arthur said.

"You seem to have brushed of your attack you never really seem to do anything to find your attacker. What if they do it again?" I said.

"I asked him the same question." Aaron said and we both looked at Arthur. "I don't know. You want to find out who my attacker is?" He asked and I nod. "I really need to know. You know I feel like Julian has something to do with it. But he did not do it himself, because he can't so someone from inside the Kingdom did it.
" I said.

"You feel like like it was an inside job?" He asked and I nod. "That does make sense." Aaron agreed with me. "It does."Arthur agreed aswell.

" But who would hate you so much that they would want to harm you? Everyone in the Kingdom loves you. "Aaron said.

We all went inside and decided to sit in the sitting room and continue discussing all this.


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