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"So you get papa to invite gigi??" zayn asked harry as he pulled him on his lap while he was switching through the channels "Get papa to invite???" harry questioned uncomfortably trying to shift from zayn "Yes, you were the one exited about this" zayn smirked putting his chin on harry's shoulder "I wasn't exited zayn, I just want to know why you said about the pregnancy" harry said and zayn sighed turning on a sports channel "I was saying metaphorically, and also because i did get close to her a lot in the last couple of months" harry nodded eyes fixed on the tv "Can i ask you something genuinely??" harry slightly turned around to face him, with all seriousness in his face "Obviously babe" zayn nodded still having his face on the edge of his shoulder "If you had this kinda relationship where you get intimate every other day, why you leave that person and marry someone else?? And also she is a woman and i am a man zayn, i heard you when you are talking to your girlfriend that you aren't opposed to the idea of marrying me, why zayn??" zayn batted his lashes looking at him, as he didn't consider these things at all "I~ listen harreh i have been with a lot of people in my life, this isn't a big deal for both me and gigi, i mean yes we do get attached to people it's normal" harry listened while watching him in complete shock "So you don't even know what is love in the first place, you were just messing around, having flings, without any commitment" harry said nodding his head as Understood what zayn actual thinking is "But i am committed to you" zayn said with sparkling heart eyes "I doubt that" zayn tightened his grip around harry's abdomen "You doubt what exactly harreh?? I can do anything for you" zayn said with an angry tone, harry watched his eyes going dark "Gigi will be here at the evening, with her sister and her bestfriend" harry said as he tried to get up "You didn't tell me what you doubt exactly" zayn pulled him back down which cause harry to whimper a little because of zayn harsh grip on his skin "Why you can do anything for me and not for the girl who is crying over you, not for the girl you are in a relationship with, you are saying there is a possibility that she can be carrying your child and yet you are choosing me over her, so that is where my doubts are, if you can leave her then you can leave me any day" harry said with a challenge tone and zayn just watched him "Why are you struggling so much to accept me as your husband, baby there is nothing you can do, I am not going to let you leave me" harry sighed and just unwillingly leaned on zayn as his tummy started to hurt "Zayn you are my husband and yes Nothing is going to change the fact, and no why would i have a problem to accept my own husband it's just weird to me the way you just changed just because you own me?? Tell me zayn is owning someone is really a spouse kind of relationship" harry closed his eyes and rubbed is lower belly "You are having pain??" zayn asked with concern, harry nodded a little "Own you means you are mine that's it, and yes this a spouse relationship my husband is only mine and so am i only yours" harry felt zayn's lips closer to his and his hand underneath his shirt rubbing his stomach "You were having pain yesterday as well, why??" zayn asked quietly placing a kiss on the corner of harry's lips "It is what it is, i am having this pain since I was a toddler, i had a operation couple of years ago which grandma donna help me financially with, and from there i always have to take medicine" zayn narrowed his eyes and held harry tightly "Grandma didn't say anything to me about this" zayn mumbled to himself but harry heard him anyway "Why you are regretting now?? It's okay you can leave me~ ahh zayn" harry sat up as zayn slid his hand under his pants grabbing his dick "Hey lay down, or else the pain will flare up" harry glared at him as zayn pulled him on him again, and started to rub his belly again "Show me your medicine's okay, so I will know what to give you and when to give you" harry looked away annoyed by him, but his rubbings felt good that's why he didn't wanted to move "REN???" zayn suddenly screamed which startled harry "What the hell??" harry asked glaring at him again "Yes w~what happened??" ren came running and got stunted looking at the scene "Your brothers medicine, can you bring it?? He is having pain" ren looked at them confusedly but nodded anyway "Why are you like this zayn, what would he think?" harry hid his face into his palms "You are having pain harry i don't think your brother will think anything of our position" harry placed zayns hand a little lower and zayn smirked without harry's knowing "There rub there" Zayn chuckled and kissed his forehead and did what harry asked him to....

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