•09|part 1•

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•{Not Edited/3rd POV}•

Days passed by. Bella herself has tracked Sasha and Leo' phones. Leo's phone located her to nearest river from the mansion, and Sasha's phone showed her it was last used inside the mansion and judging by the time she saw, the phone was properly still inside when the mansion blew up.

She wasn't sure if that meant Sasha was also inside or just her phone.

Currently, Bella sat on her chair in her office at her warehouse a few feet away from her desk. Austin, the famous boy from the streets, sat on a couch.

Bella reached to the man and asked him to find the siblings for her for a nice paycheck.

With confidence, Austin said, "Fine. I'll find them."

Austin was the type of guy who spent most of his time smoking with his homies at the streets that has made him see, and now, a lot of things, hence why he was well connected. Finding people is something that he can do with a few phone calls.

"The earlier you bring them, I'd double the amount agreed on."

She was going to pay him fifty k, but because she was desperate, she didn't mind making it to 100k.

She's really desperate to find the siblings. Especially Sasha. The last person who was with her grandmother. Yes, she'll kill her to avenge for her Nona, but first, she has questions that can only be answered by Sasha.

Such as what she said to her grandmother, that revealed her father didn't commit suicide ?

Or what does she know about her father's death?

Or did she kill her father?

"I'll try to find them faster, but it all depends on the places they've visited, and if they've a powerful person hiding them."

After Austin left, Ava arrived. Bella had sent her to investigate what caused an explosion in her restaurant.

"According to the chef working there. There was a gas leakage, and then I managed to talk with f.b.i handling the case they told me the same thing."

Bella read about the accident on internet and it said no one was injured or dead,"I would've thought this was purely an accident caused by some old fart chef who forgot to turn off the stove before going home, but I talked to the fbi that are investigating about the mansion incident. The bomb blew up first, but what caused a big fire and explosion was the gas. They suspected there was a gas linkage. And I also did smell gas when I got there. "

"So you think it could be the same person who attacked the restaurant and mansion?"

"It's too early to say," replied Bella.

Three things happened that day.

One, a truck purposely tried running her over.

Second, Mr Lee informed her that her restaurant exploded.

Third, She lost her mansion and grandmother.

Bella' first suspect is Alexander. The little Russian's side kick could be the cause of the two first events as revenge for killing Lukyan Karamazov.

But then again. It can be other enemies she's isn't aware of. After all, she wasn't a saint to be loved by everyone.

And the third event. Alexander was at her mansion earlier that day. He could've sneaky planted a bomb.

She knew there was a chance Alexander could've opened the gas at her restaurant's kitchen, but the possibility of him doing it again in the mansion was closest to zero. Chiara would'nt have let the man inside her kitchen. Bella narrowed down three possible conclusions. It's either the same person opened gas and that person wasn't Alexander, or the accidents were caused by two different people or the restaurant it was really an accident.

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