Chapter 3

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September 3rd, 1993.

Harry had enjoyed a great first three days of Hogwarts and was already dominating all of his classes. His teachers had all met the true Harry Potter by now, and they all loved him. Harry had been getting up at sunrise, every morning, for his private lessons with Horace Slughorn and he continued his incredible progress. The time he would have wasted in Potions and History of Magic was wisely spent improving in DADA. Homework was, as always, fairly easy for him due to his perfect memory.

No one had heard about Harry's Lordships, by Dumbledore's design, but Harry didn't care, he would just claim Dumbles was being secretive and didn't believe in his students, when Harry did expose his status to the school. Ron's popularity was non-existent now and Harry had been continually rejecting the loser in public, and Hermione had been refusing to help Ron with his homework. Neville Longbottom had replaced Ron in the 'Golden Trio,' and with his new wand and much improved confidence and spell-work, he easily humiliated Ron when he was a called squib by him during one of tantrums. Harry's favorite part was when Neville asked: 'Who's the squib now?' and caused everyone to laugh at Ron. Hopefully, Harry would eventually get to kill Ron.

Harry entered Salazar's apartment.

"About time you decided to visit me again!" Salazar exclaimed as Harry entered.

"It's been three busy days! I visited you before traveling to Hogwarts!" Harry replied in annoyance. "I've killed someone, nearly got my soul sucked by a dementor, and have revealed my Lordships over Light Houses. I would have visited sooner but I just adapted to my new schedule. I've been working sunrise to sunset every day."

"Don't whine Hadrian," Salazar replied. "Heir's of Slytherin do not whine. Heir's of Slytherin do not lack time, because they have the Chamber. A chamber with a Time-Turner and a Time Compression Chamber. There are also rituals to reduce your need for sleep and rest of any form, but you will need to wait until the malnourishment is completely undone for maximum effect. I suggest that you focus on Transfiguration or shift more focus on Potions or Defence Against the Dark Arts until that happens. I could also teach you more Alchemy, which would give you more of an advantage in Potions. So far, I have only taught you the very basics."

"I'll try to do all of them, but I do want to learn more Alchemy. So let's focus on that. I'll work on the other stuff on my own time." Harry said, to Salazar's approval.

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October 31st, 1993.

The last fifty-eight days were intense for Harry. With the Time-Turner and Time Compression Chamber, it was well over twice that amount of time, and Harry had trained himself intensely. He made only slightly better progress in Potions, but was now at a mid seventh year level in Potions. He was now mid sixth year level in Defence Against the Dark Arts and was already looking for opportunities to use the Time Chamber again. Sadly, he was only at a fifth year level in Charms and Transfiguration, but that was okay; they had exceptional Professor's teaching the classes.

Sadly, Harry hadn't invested any time into mastering his elemental abilities, but he fully intended to start doing so. Tomorrow.

His second best achievement was finally undoing his malnourishment in the Time Chamber, and his undertaking of the suggested rituals, to greatly reduce his need for sleep and rest. His skills in Occlumency also helped him keep his mind in working order, and safely functioning at the highest levels. He also became a Grand Sorcerer, according to Salazar, anyway. His recharging the power source of the Time Chamber several times had finally pushed him to that high level of power.

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