Chapter 4

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December 22nd, 1993.

Harry's life was eventful since he had abolished the Board of Governors... Madam Longbottom and Lord Greengrass both accepted the job offers, but needed time to prepare, so Harry made Dumbledore temporary headmaster while he continued his plans. The chosen members of the Oversight Committee had given their approval for all classes, excluding History of Magic and Care of Magical Creatures, and Harry's actions were surprisingly garnering major public approval and he was being lauded as being mature beyond his years. Even Dumbledore seemed to approve of his wisdom and choice of people who were all experts in their fields. With Professor Bathilda Bagshot creating the curriculum for History of Magic the class would be better than ever.

Gryffindor defeated Slytherin: 400-10. Unfortunately, all that happiness drew the dementors and surprised Harry so that he fell off his broom, fortunately, however, he slowed his fall and landed gently on the ground. Harry and Dumbledore both drove the dementors away with their immensely powerful Patroni. Madam Pompfrey still insisted on keeping Harry in the Hospital Wing for too long. Ravenclaw dominated Hufflepuff, causing them to become even more determined.

It was finally the night of the Winter Solstice and the night of a Wizengamot meeting and where Severus Snape would be tried before the entire Wizengamot. Harry had been preparing extensively and was fully aware of the immense influence that he wielded and was assured that he could not be easily opposed.

Harry entered the Wizengamot meeting chamber and was immediately noticed by Dumbledore, Fudge, Bones, and Lord Greengrass, who all acknowledged him. Harry winked at Dumbledore before ascending to the highest level of the seats; past the seats for Ancient Houses, past the seats for Noble Houses, even past the seats for the Most Ancient and Noble Houses, past the seats for the Four Founders, and, finally... Harry arrived near the seat for House Emrys and sat down, causing gasps of shock and concern to break out. He willed the seat to reflect his status as Lord of the Houses Emrys, Gryffindor, Potter, Peverell, and Slytherin. It complied and concealed the truth as desired by showing some as conquests. Everyone gaped at Harry Potter in awe and with reverence reserved for gods...

And Harry had to prevent himself from laughing at them.

Houses Malfoy and Gaunt were mere conquests and the votes were combined with those of Harry's other houses. This also served to prove that Riddle was active and was defeated thrice.

The other nobles continued pouring into the meeting chamber, most taking notice of Harry Potter on the Emrys seat. Finally, when everyone had arrived, Dumbledore took his seat and called the meeting to order.

"The first matter on the agenda is the trial of Severus Tobias Snape, for which I will be recusing myself, and Lady Regent Augusta Longbottom will be taking my place." Dumbledore said, looking displeased that it would be someone associated with Harry. "Bring in the accused," Dumbledore said, before letting Augusta take his seat while he recused himself to represent Snape.

Severus Snape was brought, sneering, into the chamber with magical suppression gauntlets on him and he was bruised, unkempt, and had obviously been beaten. Harry noticed that Madam Bones looked angry and also highly suspicious. Snape was bound in the chair, having said nothing, despite the jeers directed his way.

"This will be a closed session and secrecy will be magically enforced," Lady Longbottom added, to prevent protest from Dumbledore. The magic took effect, to the Dark Factions anger. They had just lost the ability to share information.

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