Chapter 10

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November 2nd, 1994.

The time since Harry's selection as a champion was surprisingly pleasant. He had acquired more magical power than all of the other champions combined, much to Delacour's shock. Harry had destroyed five horcruxes now: the one in himself, the cup, the diadem; which Harry kept for himself, the diary, and the locket. Only the diary was destroyed, the other items were preserved. Harry certainly wasn't going to destroy himself!

Harry was enjoying having the knowledge, skill, and experience of Voldemort. And he was using it better too boot. But Harry wasn't resting on his laurels and was actually continuing his studies further with wandless magic and filling gaps left from Tom's weaknesses and deficiencies, which were quite extensive. Harry had surpassed Tom's skills in: Alchemy, warding, rituals, blood magic, and Animagus training. It wasn't everyday that you got to compare yourself to someone so powerful, and actually felt good about yourself. Harry had already surpassed Tom in magical power, though Tom could still greatly increase his own.

Harry, while proud of his new Mage status, couldn't pause and truly enjoy it. He was going to accelerate his ascension by leaps and bounds and try defeating Tom in a timely manner. To that end, he informed McGonagall and Flitwick of his intention to take his OWLs and NEWTs early, and then pursue Masteries in them. They both understood and Flitwick even offered to take Harry on as his apprentice, which Harry readily agreed to. Harry's plans would leave him with only two subjects to study: Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures, both were an excuse for Harry to stay at Hogwarts.

That wasn't to say that the last two days had been purely pleasant. Several outspoken people had started harassing him and slandering him. Ernest 'Ernie' Macmillan spoke out and his father had chosen to punish his son and pay a rather large fine to avoid Harry killing his only child in an Honor Duel. Hannah Abbott's family opted to finally consent to a marriage contract with Lady Longbottom, and Hannah and Neville would be married when they both turned seventeen.

Unfortunately, not everyone was willing to take the punishment demanded for the actions of their heirs.

Lord Smith was confident that his son could defeat 'the jumped-up half-blood'. Zacharias was killed in moments and his father soon stepped up to avenge his son... and only lasted a slightly longer amount of time. Harry won House Smith in under a minute and their wealth, assets, titles, and votes were all added to his own. House Parkinson soon joined them in extinction and Harry added more power to his own. Harry had made his point and both the Dark and Light Factions realized he wouldn't tolerate their actions against him... Harry Potter was on the warpath and would destroy any enemy who revealed themself.

Molly Weasley had to be drug from Hogwarts kicking and screaming when she saw what Harry did to Ronald. Arthur merely seemed resigned, he knew what his son was becoming and had let his wife continue ruining him by over-feeding him, encouraging his downward spiral, and villifying Lord Potter. Arthur blamed himself for not standing up to his domineering wife, and if he had, then his youngest son might still be whole. In the end, all Arthur could do was stun his wife to prevent her from doing more damage or get herself killed by Lord Potter's righteous wrath.

November 13th, 1994.

It was finally the day of the Wand Weighing Ceremony, and Harry had been working tirelessly on acquiring more skill and power... He mastered Alchemy under Time Compression and could now freely create his own Philosopher Stone. Harry had surpassed Voldemort, Grindelwald, and Dumbledore in wandless magic; according to Nicolas and Perenelle and his own absorbed experience, and was attempting to master the Patronus Charm wandlessly. Harry would be keeping his unofficial Alchemy Mastery and ability to achieve immortality secret... he had no desire to fend off constant theft attempts or be targeted by greedy and talentless people seeking immortality to waste. Harry also intended to re-enter the Time Chamber and master the Peverell and Gryffindor family magic... after this stupid ceremony.

An Insect Among Gods By ZaneT69Where stories live. Discover now