Chapter 12

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June 24th, 1995.

It was finally the day of the third task and Harry had already breezed right through all the obstacles in his way... The boggart was disintegrated by a lightning bolt, the golden mist was easily bypassed and Harry was already on his way to the Cup... It was still early, but Harry was supremely confident in his victory.

A scream shook Harry from his thoughts... Fleur's scream!

Harry ran to her without hesitation, cutting through the maze like it was nothing, using his battle magic and some precision applications of fiendfyre and quickly arrived near a stunned Fleur, and a shocked and Imperioused Krum. Harry quickly stunned Krum and then bound him, before checking his wand to confirm that he had, in fact, used the Cruciatus Curse. That done, he applied a protective spell on Fleur, and sent up red sparks for them both.

He continued onto the Cup, cutting through obstacles where necessary and completely bypassing a sphinx.

He arrived at the Cup minutes later and reached to grab it... He was distracted by an incoming spell, which he casually deflected to the side, before turning to face Diggory.

"That was a very stupid thing to do, Diggory. The correct response for you was to run and hide until I won." Harry said angrily, pissed by Cedric's attempt to attack him from behind.

"It was just a distraction and it worked. I'll duel you for the Cup, Harry." Diggory offered confidently.

"How generous of you to offer to duel me for something I got too first..." Harry replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "But, why not? You won't last very long, because I'll fight by rules..." Cedric suddenly looked very nervous. "Fair warning: don't blink." That was the only warning Cedric got before Harry launched a stunner as a warning, which Diggory barely dodged. He didn't dodge the next one, which went straight through his hastily formed shield. Cedric was defeated in mere seconds.

Harry sneered at the defeated form of Cedric Diggory and took the Cup, which was a Portkey; according to Harry's senses.

Harry arrived in a graveyard and quickly sent the Cup away as an escape route and concealed it with family magic. Harry began inspecting the area for wards and magical traps, finding none, which Harry thought exceedingly arrogant of Tom, but Tom was never accused of great humility. Harry waited patiently for Pettigrew and Voldemort to get to the ritual site, they were nearby, but Peter was moving very slowly.

Minutes later...

The instant Pettigrew appeared, Harry attacked, banishing Voldemort into the dirt and disarming Peter.

"Hello, Pettigrew... I'm so glad you're here." Harry said menacingly, his eyes shining with malice. Harry castrated Peter and destroyed his genitalia "Can't have you reproducing, now can we? Besides, there are enough little rats in the world already." Harry began ripping out Pettigrew's fingernails and toenails, one by one, relishing in his screams of pain, but not even that was enough for Harry. Harry used a curse to rip out all of Pettigrew's body hair at once, causing more screams of agony. Harry ripped out Pettigrew's teeth moments later, prolonging the screams and when those died, he ripped out one of Peter's eyes. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. Most unfortunately, his torture of Pettigrew was interrupted by him being restrained from behind by a rather large snake. Harry did manage to return his wand to his holster, wanting to keep that from the hands of his enemies.

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