Chapter 8

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September 1st, 1994.

Harry and his friends had finally arrived in the Great Hall for the Sorting and the Start-of-Term Feast. Sadly, Harry had to inform Dean and Seamus that he couldn't inform them of what was happening at Hogwarts this year, but that it would be announced after the Feast, that thankfully placated them. Harry and Neville sat down together, far away from Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger, the former of which glared murderously at Harry. Ronald had been continually twisted by his jealousy of Harry and was getting even more reckless and unpleasant... And he wanted to murder Harry, at least according to Harry's Legilimency scan, anyway. Harry was quite amused by how much weight Ron had put on and was secretly hoping that it would shorten his life-span, but thought it unlikely due to his magic.

"Hiya, Harry!" Colin Creevey called down the table.

"Hi, Colin," Harry replied warily.

"Harry, guess what? Guess what, Harry? My brother's starting! My brother Dennis!"

"That's nice," Harry said, while contemplating more ways to avoid him and his brother. Hopefully, his brother wouldn't be as annoying as him.

"He's really excited!" said Colin, practically bouncing up and down in his seat. "I just hope he's in Gryffindor! Keep your fingers crossed, eh, Harry?"

"Of course," Harry lied.

Minutes later and McGonagall lead the first years up to the top of the Hall.

"Before we start the Sorting, perhaps we should cast some drying and warming charms on the children," Headmistress Longbottom interjected, to everyone's approval. The teachers began casting the spells, to hopefully prevent the children from catching a cold. "Now that they don't look like they swam here, you may begin the Sorting." Headmistress Longbottom said, causing laughter to break out among the students.

"When I call out your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool," McGonagall told the first years. "When the hat announces your House, you will go and sit at the appropriate table." And the Sorting began... With Harry tuning it out. Eventually, Dennis Creevey was sorted into Gryffindor and sat beside his brother and Harry was pointed out by Colin and Harry waved politely at Colin's little brother when he stared at him. The Sorting continued and later ended with 'Whitby, Kevin' being sorted into Hufflepuff.

Headmistress Longbottom began the Feast without a word and everyone began eating.

Harry enjoyed the feast, catching up with a couple other house-mates, and internally mocking his former friends... Ron, who was disgusting everyone with his non-existent table manners and now had no friends whatsoever. Granger, who was now ignorantly plotting to save the poor, unfortunate house-elves. They depended on magical bonds to live, but Harry intended to let her destroy her image further while protecting the house-elves. Secretly, he would be ordering the house-elves to visit him, if they believed they were tricked into freedom and he would rebond them to Hogwarts.

Eventually, the Feast concluded and Headmistress Longbottom stood.

"I have several Start-of-Term announcements to make..." She began. "For those of you who have not read the Daily Prophet, Wizarding Britain's sole newspaper, or were unable to, I am Headmistress Augusta Longbottom and the man sitting next to me is Deputy Headmaster Alexander Greengrass. We were appointed by the schools owner to restore Hogwarts from the disrepute and the lackluster standards that it had fallen into under the previous Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. First, we have removed Rubeus Hagrid from his Professor position," here applause broke out from most of the four houses, causing Hagrid to flee the Great Hall in tears, "due to his lack of OWLs and NEWTs in the subject and his lack of Mastery in the subject and reckless behavior. For those who don't know, OWLs stand for Ordinary Wizarding Levels and are generally undertaken in a students fifth year, and NEWTs stand for Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test, and are generally taken in the seventh year."

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