Chapter 1

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An Insect Among Gods.

Harry was so annoyed! The school hated him one minute and when he saved their worthless lives, they were all friendly and tried to pretend they never mistreated him! The worst of them was Ron, who Harry only kept around out of pity, and to make himself feel better about dumbing himself down. Hermione was tolerable, at least she tried to spend time with both of them, but Ron was just a selfish loser, who wanted to ride his coat tails to a higher status and ditched Harry when his poor circumstances endangered that. Harry was done holding back to make others feel better! He was a genius playing dumb and he was done wasting his potential and studying in secret!

Now... Harry just needed to calm down.

Harry came to the Chamber of Secrets for just that reason. There had to be something more than a basilisk storage here. The legacy of House Slytherin disappeared with Salazar Slytherin's death, but they still held a vacant seat on the Wizengamot that hadn't been used since the days of the Wizards' Council.

Harry continued casting detection and cleaning spells, the former of which he could cast wandlessly and silently.

Harry eventually found another snake symbol on a wall near Slytherin's statue and commanded it to open. To his surprise, it worked and a door appeared! He cautiously entered, while looking for traps and casting every detection spell that he knew for such things. It was all for nothing, because there were none. Harry continued into the hall and headed towards the light at the end of it.

When Harry entered what looked like an office and apartment, I saw fires still going strong.

"Gubriathan fire..." Harry said in awe. "I thought it would look different than normal fire."

"I'm sorry that you are disappointed," Harry heard a sarcastic voice drawl. He quickly turned and aimed his wand at the source of the voice...

And saw a portrait! The voice obviously came from the painted person, an elderly man with white hair, glowing green eyes and immaculate green and silver robes. He was looking at Harry in part amusement and derision.

"Close your mouth boy, you will collect flies." The man said. Harry read the parselscript written below the portrait and discovered that it was Salazar Slytherin himself.

"You're Salazar Slytherin..." Harry said in awe.

"No? Really? I had no idea! I thought I was Godric Gryffindor!" Salazar replied mockingly "You must be my descendant, I haven't met one in many centuries."

"I actually defeated your descendant and somehow gained his parseltongue ability, at least according to the headmaster."

"Your headmaster is an idiot then. Unless you performed a ritual of sacrifice to take my descendants abilities and skills for yourself, then your headmaster is wrong." Salazar said, carefully watching his heir and saw no sign of recognition. "Which you obviously haven't done, since you aren't even aware of the existence of such things. There are blood wards on certain areas of my personal domain here that only let descendants of my wife and myself inside. This descendant of mine was most likely descended from my illegitimate daughter who married into the degenerate Gaunt family."

"Tom's mother was a Gaunt, according to my research." Harry replied, quite glad he had looked into Tom's past for potential weaknesses to exploit. "I suppose I could be your heir... Are you aware that history regards you as power-hungry, cunning, determined, ambitious, resourceful, and a muggle hater who wanted muggles all eradicated?"

An Insect Among Gods By ZaneT69Where stories live. Discover now