Sanskrit Verse -
पश्यादित्यान्वसून् रुद्रानश्विनौ मरुतस्तथा |
बहून्यदृष्टपूर्वाणि पश्याश्चर्याणि भारत || 6||paśhyādityān vasūn rudrān aśhvinau marutas tathā
bahūny adṛiṣhṭa-pūrvāṇi paśhyāśhcharyāṇi bhārataWord by word meaning -
paśhya—behold; ādityān—the (twelve) sons of Aditi; vasūn—the (eight) vasus; rudrān—the (eleven) rudras; aśhvinau—the (twin) Ashvini Kumars; marutaḥ—the (forty-nine) maruts; tathā—and; bahūni—many; adṛiṣhṭa—never revealed; pūrvāṇi—before; paśhya—behold; āśhcharyāṇi—marvels; bhārata—Arjun, scion of the Bharatas
पश्य-देखो; आदित्यान्-अदिति के बारह पुत्रों को; बसून्–आठ वसुओं को; रुद्रान्–रुद्र के ग्यारह रूपों को; अश्विनौ-दो अश्विनी कुमारों को; मरुतः-उन्चास मरुतों को; तथा—भी; बहूनि अनेक; अदृष्ट-न देखे हुए; पूर्वाणि-पहले; पश्य-देखो; आश्चर्याणि-आश्चर्यों को; भारत-भरतवंशियों में श्रेष्ठ अर्थात अर्जुन;
English Translation -
Behold in Me, O scion of the Bharatas, the (twelve) sons of Aditi, the (eight) vasus, the (eleven) rudras, the (twin) Ashwini Kumars, as well as the (forty-nine) maruts and many more marvels never revealed before.
Hindi Translation -
हे भरतवंशी! लो अब आदिति के (बारह) पुत्रों, (आठ) वसुओं (ग्यारह) रुद्रों, (दो) अश्विनी कुमारों और उसी प्रकार से (उन्चास) मरुतों और पहले कभी न प्रकट हुए अन्य आश्चर्यों को मुझमें देखो
Universal Form of Shri Krishna
SpiritualitéHare Krishna Lord Krishna has various forms. He has impersonal and personal forms. The Universal Form is one of the various forms of Krishna. When Arjuna saw this Universal Form of Krishna, he went through many emotions that frightened even the grea...