Verse 12

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Sanskrit Verse -

दिवि सूर्यसहस्रस्य भवेद्युगपदुत्थिता ।
यदि भाः सदृशी सा स्याद्भासस्तस्य महात्मनः ॥12॥

divi sūrya-sahasrasya bhaved yugapad utthitā
yadi bhāḥ sadṛiśhī sā syād bhāsas tasya mahātmanaḥ

Word by word meaning -

divi—in the sky; sūrya—suns; sahasrasya—thousand; bhavet—were; yugapat—simultaneously; utthitā—rising; yadi—if; bhāḥ—splendor; sadṛiśhī—like; sā—that; syāt—would be; bhāsaḥ—splendor; tasya—of them; mahā-ātmanaḥ—the great personality

दिवि-आकाश में; सूर्य-सूर्य; सहस्त्रस्य हजारों; भवेत्-थे; युगपत्–एक साथ; उत्थिता-उदय; यदि-यदि; भाः-प्रकाश; सदृशी-के तुल्य; सा-वह; स्यात्-हो; भासः-तेज; तस्य-उनका; महात्म्नः -परम पुरुष का।

English Translation -

If a thousand suns were to blaze forth together in the sky, they would not match the splendor of that great form.

Hindi Translation -

यदि आकाश में हजारों सूर्य एक साथ उदय होते हैं तो भी उन सबका प्रकाश भगवान के दिव्य तेजस्वी रूप की समानता नहीं कर सकता।

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