| Chapter 35 |

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The sound of a ringtone echoed in the room, waking Miyeon.

The brunette slowly opened her eyes, getting used to the sunlight that penetrated through the half-open shutters.

The girl had her arms wrapped around her girlfriend, while her face rested on her soft breasts.

Miyeon remembered what happened the day before, thanking her girlfriend for her thoughtfulness.

Nicha's hand still on her belly, as the woman slept with her arms still wrapped protectively around her girlfriend's body.

The phone's ringtone started ringing again, bringing Miyeon back to reality.

The brunette reached over to her nightstand, picking up her phone, but the ringtone wasn't coming from her phone, but from Nicha's.

"Min." Miyeon whispered, lightly shaking the woman next to her, causing her to wake up.

"Yeon?" Nicha asked, smiling, hugging the girl. "How do you feel?"

"Good, thanks to your help." the girl said, kissing Nicha's cheek. "Someone is calling you on the phone, Min. I think it's the third time already."

The woman took her phone, seeing three missed calls from Soojin.

"It's Soojin, she has probably called for work." the woman said, climbing out of the covers. "I'm going to see what she needs."

Nicha leaned towards Miyeon, giving her a kiss on the lips, before leaving the room, walking out onto the balcony, calling the woman back.

"Nicha?" the woman asked.

"Tell me everything. Has something happened?" Nicha asked, worried. "You never call that early unless there is an emergency."

"Nicha... We found him."

Nicha remained silent, turning to the glass window behind her, seeing Miyeon in bed, looking at her phone.

"Where is he?"

"We thought about going there as a team." the woman said, before explaining where the man was. "Now he's in Miyeon's old apartment."

Minnie remained silent. Her gaze fixed on Miyeon.

"Notify Shuhua, Bambam, Seulgi, Irene, and Big Matthew. Meeting in my office in half an hour." and with that she ended the call.

Nicha returned to the bedroom, sitting on Miyeon's side.

"Everything okay, Min?" the brunette asked, worried.

The woman nodded, leaning towards her beloved, capturing her lips in a soft kiss, feeling the girl's arms wrap around her neck.

"I have to go to work." Nicha whispered.

"So soon? Wait a few minutes, I'll get dressed." the brunette said, standing up, but Nicha shook her head, making her lie down again, before kissing her forehead.

"You need to sleep." Nicha said, patting her head. "Yuqi and Soyeon will be here in a few minutes."

Nicha walked away, going into the bathroom to get ready, before coming out a few minutes later ready to leave the house.

"I love you." the woman whispered, on Miyeon's lips, before kissing them. "See you this evening. I'll come to see how you are, okay?"

Miyeon nodded, pulling Nicha into a hug, whispering one last 'I love you', before letting her go.


Nicha was in her office.

The team meeting had just ended and she and the members were ready to go there.

"Nicha?" Soojin called her.


"Did you tell Miyeon where we were headed?"

"No, I didn't want to alarm her and I didn't even want to remind her of her old apartment. I still remember how much she cried in those walls." Nicha said, remembering the scene. "Are the others ready to go?"

"Yes, they're waiting for us."

"Then let's go." the woman said, walking towards the elevator. "The sooner we finish, the sooner I can go home to Miyeon."


Nicha's team reached the location.

Nicha remembered that street and that building perfectly. Miyeon had experienced hell there.

The Thai didn't understand the connection between Kun and Miyeon, but something told her that Miyeon's father had something to do with all of this.

"Ready to go inside." Nicha said, placing the earphone in her ear. "I'll go first, then, at my signal, enter."

"Yes, Boss." the members said in unison, before each running to their own position.

Nicha walked up the stairs, gently opening the door, testing the territory.

The gun clutched in her hands as she searched for Kun.

The apartment was empty, but something was strange.

"It's empty!" the woman said, still searching the room, until she saw a phone, in what was Miyeon's room, now empty.

Nicha was ready to take it, when a clicking sound caught her attention.

The woman approached in the direction of the sound, coming from the old closet, seeing a bomb whose timer showed 5 seconds remaining.

"THERE IS A BOMB!" the woman exclaimed, quickly picking up the phone. "GET AWAY RIGHT NOW!"

"NICHA! GET OUT OF THERE!" Soojin shouted into the radio. "NOW!"

The woman ran towards the front door, but the bomb exploded, causing her to fall down the stairs of the building.


To Be Continued...

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