7 Life why?!

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Izuku POV

That's actually how it happened that I ran away. I became free, so to speak, by dying. But that wasn't the end of me. Oh, that was just the beginning. The her comission would have thrown me into a burning volcano if they had known what I was capable of.


I had constructed a drug that would stop my heartbeat completely for about 10 hours. It had been very risky that when I would hang myself it wouldn't be the last day I would have had. At the hero comission I also had breathing exercises to be able to hold my breath for 10 minutes. So when I hanged myself, I first took the drug I had developed to stop my heart for a while and then bring me back to life.

I can't believe it really worked because everything was actually based on a theory. I would survive a whole minute without air, that's the only reason I hacked. So that people wouldn't have to research why I died.

I waited for just the right time, to know when someone would come to wake me up and then hang me. If I had done it too late, I would have run out of air.

I am alive. I woke up on a overturned bed. I feel like I've just been shocked and see a few wires lying all around me a few still in my skin and a few still out. I hear some footsteps immediately I close my eyes and play dead.

Man: it's really a shame that someone like you had to die, such a waste of time and energy. Ron is really angry with you. If you had survived that, he probably would have said that you wished you could die right back. But he really didn't had to have a tantrum like that. I mean kicking bed with a dead person.

As I lie there listening to Ron without his facade, I feel my body being lifted and then put into a sack that is just like a sack of potatoes. At the end he says he ties it up

Man: Really sad to just throw you off the cliff like that. While you could donate an organs and so well.

I don't know worse sounds throwing me off the cliff or donating my organs. Have mercy. I was in the asylum for ten years.

I feel the bag my body is in being thrown over my shoulder. The man takes a short walk and I can already hear the water from the cliff and smell the salty air. He's getting a momentum  before throwing me. I fall while being in the bag. It's already bad if I fall in without the bag because I could hit a rock. But with!

I feel my momentum picking up again and throwing me. It's a terrible feeling to be thrown into a bag like that and see nothing but little specks of light visible through the fabric of the sack. I am in a position where my life is clearly coming to an end, I smile. One of the things I can do particularly well, apart from being great. Because as they say?

Death smiles at us all. The only thing you can do is smile back.

the bag hits a stone before it falls completely into the water. The blow against the stone has taken all the air out of my lungs. I feel how the bag sinks deeper and deeper, even if I can't see it. What a terrible feeling. Despite the cold that envelops me, I feel warm.

Just warm? No. It seethes inside me as if I've caught fire, as if I'm lying in hot coals and rolling around in them, every single part of my body feels like it's suffocating in the cold, the warmth that's getting warmer and warmer. Its unbearable warmth became unbearable heat. I want to scream but I have to hold my breath. Bubbles form around me, so I'm not supposed to be in salt water, but in a boiling pot.

Finally, I can't stand it any longer and a shaking scream comes from my throat, which is swallowed whole by the water. Masses of water enter my lungs. It's not just my body that feels like it's burning, but my lungs too. What on earth is happening here?

What does the universe have for me? Ready for me to suffocate in boiling water after hanging myself and being thrown off a cliff. What is this? Life please finally choose one way in which you want to kill me exhaust me, bleed me, starve me, anything but not several things at once. Even if you are so cruel to me, I appreciate you. STILL!!!

SO GIVE ME AIR IN SOME WAY. I need to breathe. I would give anything. I would give anything to be able to feel fresh air again. I will never take air for granted again.

I need air. I need life.

Flashback end

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