xxv (unwanted dinner date)

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"...In the matches, up until now, you all have proven yourselves to be, without a doubt, Blue Lock’s elite. I want to see your defiance."

'And I want to eat dinner and sleep…' You supressed a yawn. Well, tried to. Ego didn't seem to notice, and if he did, he didn't seem to care either. But were you really at fault if he was just that boring? You already excused yourself to go to the bathroom twice. Twice! And he was still talking!!

"Alright, you're all free to go." Ha, maybe he felt bad and that's why he decided to finish his lame TED talk.

Unsurprisingly, you were the first to stand when Ego finally ended his speech, the weight of exhaustion tugging at your muscles as you made your way to the door. But your new companion had other ideas.

"Hey, hey cutie. What's the rush?"

You shot him a withering glance, lips pressed into a thin line. "Do I need to explain myself? Seriously? Enduring Ego talk for half an hour while the rest eats is reason enough."

His strange laugh grated on your nerves,  "Let's go together then!"

You sighed, resigned to his persistent company, because even if you didn't want to, you knew deep down that the man would follow you anyways. "Fine."

"I'll take that as a yes! Lead the way, [l/n]-chan."

"Don't call me that ever again." You visibly cringed. "I haven’t eaten since this morning, but if you keep calling me that, I'll lose my appetite."

"Perfect! I’m starving too. Let’s make it a dinner date," he said with a wink.

You groaned inwardly, questioning how this guy was ranked second. "It's not a date if you came uninvited."

"Sure, sure. Whatever you say, [l/n]-chan," he teased, clearly enjoying your irritation.

“Why do I even bother…” you muttered under your breath, as the automatic doors whooshed open, letting you step into the cafeteria. But before you could move any more…

“Yo! Top two and top three!”

You glanced behind your shoulder at the call, looking at the… crow hair and… scene looking guy…? that stood behind. Top four and five. Next to them, also was, who you recognized to be the four-eyes model of before. So, the rest of the top six, huh? Rin didn't seem to be nowhere near, but judging by the days you shared with him, you didn't expect it anyways. He probably was practicing some more or doing some of his weird gymnastics. Or maybe watching a horror movie… damn, now you wanted to see one too.

“So we got some company now?”

“Hey, I thought that would be better than eating alone. Everyone else already went to sleep, anyway. Might as well share a table.”

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