Important Authors Note

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Hello friends I would like to first say thank you for reading this fic and I hope it has kept you entertained thus far. However, I will be taking a short hiatus for about three weeks due to IRL work projects I must finish for my IRL Job( I know, what a bummer). That being said, the story will continue, and I haven't given up, not by a long shot. So, expect a chapter drop some time late July or early August. Afterwards I'm going to shoot for a week and a half chapter upload schedule and be more consistent.

Now then, with that out of the way, I'm sort of conflicted how I should go about the story, and I need your input. Your insight helps me greatly to shape a fun story for everyone to enjoy. I take all your opinions and criticisms seriously as this is a very near and dear project for me. My first question I pose to you, the reader, is—should I do as I originally intended and keep the story at this current pace, or should I pick things up a bit and cut more of the fluff to get us back to the main storyline?

For example, this arc we are in which I call the "Past Pre-Calamity arc" would have around seven more chapters to go before it concludes with the climax (That is if I wanted to keep all my original details in). However, I can try and condense that down to about three chapters, but I will be forced to change the story a bit in doing so. I have a way to make it happen in such a way that it shouldn't deviate too much off course from what I originally plotted and can be done. And it shouldn't affect the overall narrative of the story, but it will be cutting out some character development scenes and action. Let me know your thoughts please. My goal is to write the best Zelda Breath of the Wild Fanfic there is( or at least, do a respectable job) and in order to do so, I need your opinions. Feel free to talk about other things that you would like to see more or less of as well. : )

Thanks so much and I'll see you then - Sky

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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