Chapter 25

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I woke up to a banging on
the door, I looked at the clock to see its damn near twelve in the morning.

I looked to my left to see Cindy sleeping peacefully , how the hell she don't hear this shit.

I put my pajama pants on and checked on Corryian before I went downstairs.

"Yo who is it" I tried to yell , I was trying my best not to wake Corryian .

"Clyde " I opened the door to see the old man and his wife.

" You know what time it is man , even though you my damn producer you need to gon on bout yo business " I said about to close the door on them.

" boy you close this damn door on us umma fuck some shit up " the lady said walking in my house unannounced .

" and what's yo name , you walking in my shit like you own some" I said closing the door scratching my head.

" I'm sorry I'm Miranda" she said rolling her eyes at Clyde .

" okay why y'all here it's damn near 12 in the morning" I whispered.

" boy we know what time it is, Clyde over here told me about earlier today " she said folding her arms.

" August she drag my ass over here I don't even know why I told her about this little girl being my daughter " he said rubbing his head.

" what you mean you don't know why you told her, yo ass ain't got no other child " I whispered.

Miranda didn't say a word, I just stared at Clyde. I don't even understand a lot of this shit and I want answers too, how you not know you had a daughter, and even if the bitch lied or told the truth he could've still kept a eye on her trying to see if she was pregnant or not .

The nigga was ballin' I'm pretty sure his ass would've had some people looking out for him.

A nigga like me came from nothing and I'm blessed that I'm even living this life right now.

" Clyde you know why I drag yo stupid ass over here " Miranda yelled , and I knew for sure she woke Cindy and Corryian up.

" damn man " I said listening to Corryian cry.

Cindy POV:

I woke up to a loud ass noise and I looked to my left to see August was no where to be found.

I got up from the bed and made way to Corryian room, since she was crying for some reason. For her to be a baby she a light ass sleeper and I hate that shit, but it's good thing too.

" August" I yelled rocking Corry in my arms as she settled down.

"Anthony" I yelled, I know this nigga here me yelling his name. I turned the light on and went down stairs too see him with his hand in his face.

" you heard me call yo damn name and you wanna act like you ain't hear Me" I said hitting him on his neck.

I then saw a man and a woman in the corner .

" ah shit , my sperm donor here " I said eyeing him.

"Why are you here , Clyde" I asked I didn't even know who the woman was it was prolly his wife and she was eyeing me and Corryian pretty damn hard and I wanted to smack her ass.

He didn't say anything so I looked at the woman.

" I dragged him here " she said quietly .

" why yall so quiet now,y'all woke me and my baby up" I said looking at all three of them.

" actually they woke me up too baby"

" August shut the hell up, you wasn't even gone come wake me up and tell me that this nigga was here"

" Damn Cindy y-"

" Don't be yelling at my daughter " Clyde said stepping up.

I started laughing.

" so I'm your daughter now, back at the studio you said you don't have a daughter, and you need to step back from my my husband " I said giving Corryian her bottle.

" look I can explain" he said looking at me .

" we'll let me sit down for this , cause this Finna be some good ass tea. For yo ass to sleep on the couch tonight, you ain't tell you didn't claim the damn girl Clyde, I'm glad I dragged yo ass here. You got a damn daughter nigga better be happy that she came looking for your ass and she want you to love her but you can't even do that, you know how I feel about this shit and you know for a fact that I was in this same predicament before I met you. Now explain why yo ass so stupid " His wife said , I was staring at her and she was beyond gorgeous, I wish she was my momma than my broke down ass momma and ion even know the damn lady.

" Miranda , I already know I fucked up damn" Clyde said getting mad. I don't see why he getting mad he the one who caused the situation actually. I just wanted a father since I didn't have anyone else.

" Cindy baby, I didn't think I was your father cause ya momma was a hoe. She aborted so many times, that's why I thought I wasn't your father. It's complicated" he said taking a deep breath.

" we'll explain we got all night" I said sitting in August lap with Corriyan laying on my chest looking around.

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