Chapter 3

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" candy your on in room 3 " the girl from earlier said. I don't even know her name but she's the only nice one here from what I believe.

I finished my third drink Going
To room 3.

I was tipsy but I wasn't drunk yet. I don't have to get Corriyan until later tomorrow so I'm going to enjoy myself.

I made it to room 3 to see it was completely dark.

" damn they could've at least put a little light in here" I said to myself, well I thought I did.

" you wanna see my face ma" this smooth voice said from behind me.

" it would be nice to see who I'm dancing for"

" oh well, get to your job" he said being rude ass fuck.

I rolled my eyes, and drinking three more shots before I got to do what I had to do.

I grind on him making my ass clap. Shit I believe I was drunk, I prolly was cause I was doing all kinds of shit.

I felt his member get hard under my ass.

" let's get out of here ma" he said.

I nodded my head tagging alone with him. I still haven't seen his face but hopefully this night is full of fun.

I woke up to a huge hangover, my head was pounding hard ass fuck.

I moved my hand around until I felt something cold on my skin.

I looked at my left hand to see a ring on my finger.

" What the hell " I screamed, pacing around in the bed, I knew for sure my hair was a hot mess , I felt like shit. I didn't know someone was sleeping beside me. The person got up and screamed as well.

" damn man" he said getting up.

He turned around and I looked at the mysterious man face to see it was August Alsina.

" oh my gosh"

" look ma we can , u-m shit I don't know " he said putting on a shirt.

I looked at the time to see its eight in the morning.

" why is this on my finger and you have one on yours " I asked

" maybe because we're married" he said hesitanly .

" I'm married to a compete fucking stranger and she's a stripper " he said to hisself, shit I know how he feels but damn he ain't have to say it like that.

" shit " I said to myself, I notice my clothes was still on so we didn't have sex.

" I'm going to call my manager" he said walking out the room before looking at me.

The Arrangement (August Alsina- UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now