Shut Down (N/A)

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Two was busy working at their computer.

The episode started off just like all the others; the contestants had a bit of time to themselves, then the algebralian showed up, gathered everyone for Cake at Stake, and one or two contestants got the boot. Simple enough, really. But instead of things *immediately* moving onto the contest of the day, the number would claim that there were still a number of final preparations to be done beforehand, and would promptly disappear.

Everyone figured that it was just gonna take a couple of minutes, and that amount of time would indeed pass. But then a couple minutes more would go by without a trace of the host. Then a few more, then several more, for good measure. By the time an hour or so had passed (their singular Clock had been eliminated long ago), they were starting to get antsy. For the unfortunate teams that had one of their members taken from them, they were kind of relieved; this was rather unprecedented, actually being given time to mourn and grieve. But for everyone else, those that had nothing to look forward to but more action and adventure, they were starting to get impatient. What's the deal? What's Two up to?

The algebralian had spent the last while working on the computer behind the scenes, they've been tinkering with it for a few hours everyday, searching throughout the world for any scrap of information about how to get it working properly, how to get it fully connected. There's a lot that near-infinite power can do for you, but if you don't have any idea what you're doing, even that can't help you there. But after what felt like 2,763 days of constantly working at it, the machine was finally complete. Complete enough to fulfill its intended purpose, anyhow.

The 'preparations' in question was making sure everything was in good working condition before filling everyone in; there'd be no greater horror than to have something break down when you need it, to have the contestants doubt your hosting prowess. But the whole routine turned out to be far, *far* more captivating than the number initially thought. Who knew that this old device had *this* much potential? Why, it might just about have as much limitless power as they had!

Two had spent many sleepless nights 'checking', making sure that everything was ready for the episode, and it seemed like they were just about to fall into another such stint. Were it not for the contestants deciding to take matters into their own hands, anyway.

While the algebralian was too distracted to care about anything, that hapless bunch had managed to make their way up the Hotel and to the room they were in, with only a single locked door standing in the way between them and the host. Mumblings and grumblings started to arise among them as they tried their hand on opening it: first by just turning the doorknob, then by jamming whatever they could into the keyhole, then just throwing whatever force they could at the door itself. Surely it had to give at *some* point, right? But nothing would work. Things started to get hectic, people started shouting, but then a familiar, shrill voice would stop everyone, declaring that *she* had what they needed to open the door. Another voice voiced her doubts and tried her hand (well, foot) in opening the door as well; despite the two quarreling and squabbling all throughout, they'd eventually manage to get it done, and the two balls would roll into the room, finally dragging Two out of their trance.

"Woah, woah!" The algebralian turned to all the contestants now rapidly entering the room, rather miffed about the whole situation. "I know you're excited for the contest and all, but you can't just break into my house like that! A host needs their privacy, you know?" "Well *we* need *answers*!" Golf Ball declared. "Just why exactly are you leaving us in the dark? Why not just tell us what you're doing and-" "Woah!" Basketball gasped, taking the attention completely away from the team tyrant. "Is that a computer?" "Uh... Yep." The number answered. "It sure is." "And you got it *working*, too?" She immediately ran up to it. "What a sight! These things have been getting rarer and rarer; I remember taking *forever* to get one of my own!" GB scoffed. "No big deal." She'd remark. "I got 2,763 of them." "Nobody asked." The other ball interjected. "Besides, what's the point of them if you don't let anyone use them? Maybe people would actually take you seriously if you weren't so-"

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