The Morning After

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I woke up with the sun in my eyes and quickly realized I was in Hannibal's bed. My head was pounding, even though I had only had two glasses of wine last night. It felt like I must have had two bottles. I let out a groan, shielding my eyes from the light. I turned over, expecting to see Hannibal, but the bed was empty. I looked around the room to find my dress tossed over a velvet armchair. I got out of bed quietly, as if Hannibal would hear me, wherever he was.

As I slipped on my dress I heard what sounded like a pan in the kitchen. My heart started to race. I should have figured he was cooking. I looked over at the clock—7:15 am. I didn't even look for my heels, I just wanted to know what the hell was going on. I tiptoed onto the hardwood floor making my way to the kitchen. The dark walls made me feel trapped and the macabre artwork only triggered my anxiety. The closer I got to the kitchen the more I heard music playing. I stopped in my tracks. It was Clair De Lune. It was one of my favorite ballads.

How did he know that?

I took a deep breath, stepping forward. Hannibal was in full swing cooking breakfast. The sunlight burst through the kitchen making it look unrecognizable to last night. Hannibal was cutting up sausage on the butcher block.

"Good Morning Sunshine" He said, smiling downward as he stayed focused on cutting.

I swallowed nervously.


"You sleep well?" The way he said it, I didn't know if he was asking or telling me.

"What happened? I don't remember anything." Not remembering things around Hannibal was becoming disturbingly routine, and I didn't like it.

He took the time to look up. He looked a bit concerned.

"You don't remember?" He asked

I took a couple of steps forward.

"No. Should I?" I was hesitant to ask

Hannibal pressed his lips.

"You had a panic attack, I had to give you something to calm you down. It just so happens that the only thing I had was Xanax and you were drinking, it may have made the side effects worse"

A panic attack? I would have remembered that, and it didn't explain how the entire night was missing. My head was really starting to throb now and the sun was piercing. As much as I didn't want to ask for medicine, I was in pain. I needed something to ease the discomfort.

"My head hurts" As soon as I said those words I knew it would regret it

Hannibal looked over and placed his towel down.

"Why of course. I have just the thing for it" Hannibal flashed a smirk at me

Fuck, why did I mention it?

He soon trailed off to retrieve more medicine, and as much as I wanted to refuse the headache was only getting worse. I tried to see what he was cooking, but I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. He soon returned. It was different seeing Hannibal in pajamas and his morning hair. It made him look unsuspecting. If only that were true.

He reached out his palm.

"Tylenol should do the trick." He winked

I was relieved to see the two blue and red pills, thank God, it was only Tylenol.

Hannibal soon returned to his cooking as I swallowed the pills without water. I managed to walk over to the island to brace myself. Hannibal pulled down the blinds to cover the sunlight. Soon he handed me a cup of coffee. Despite the pain, I couldn't deny how amazing the food smelled. The rich aroma filled the kitchen, momentarily distracting me from the pain.

Seeing Hannibal in the kitchen was like watching an artist work, live on a painting or a sculpture. The way he moved so effortlessly, picking up, stirring and setting down, it was mesmerizing.

"So, what do you think of Will?" Hannibal asked while scrambling eggs

It took me a minute to process who that was. I vaguely remembered him.

"The man from last night? He seemed alright I guess" I tried to understand what Hannibal was trying to get at

"I think you two will get along nicely"

"For what?" I questioned

"For our future, Gaby" He said it as if I was already supposed to know.

Did I agree to something when I was drugged?

"Our future? Like us?" I asked

"The three of us...yes" He added

"I'm confused, Hannibal. What do you want with me?" I admitted.

Hannibal soon turned off the burners, before turning to me.

"I see you as the perfect fit for us. Will and I share similar interests, and I think you will aid us nicely in our endeavors. I also think you would be good for Will."

I knew it! he was setting me and Will up! But why?

"Endeavors!? Do I not have a say in this!?" I was getting angry now.

"Unfortunately, No. It was in the contract you signed" Hannibals face looked smug. I was beyond confused and frustrated.

"What contract?" I asked

"The one you signed in my office"

I froze. Hannibal started to walk over to me.

"I agreed for you to give me medication during treatment, not to be your personal slave," I said, my face growing hot. Tears started to rise, blurring my vision.

Hannibal closed in on me, gently stroking my bare collar bone.

"Gabriella, you are no slave to me" He said with a soothing voice

"I care for you deeply. You are my patient, and all I want to do is help you, "he added.

My body started to shake out of fear as my throat started to dry out.

"It will all make sense. You just have to trust me" He pulled me up by my waist, looking me in the eyes.

"I don't understand, Hannibal" I managed to choke out. I could feel his breath on my skin, that's how close he was.

"You will, in time" He gently kissed my forehead.

Despite everything his words and his touch managed to act like a bandaid.

"Do you trust me?" Hannibal asked looking deep into my eyes.

With my voice above a whisper

"I trust you"......

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