Section Nineteen

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I always thought that when I wrote the last line of this book, I could close these pages and forever be at peace. However, I am still learning so much about the events of 2020 and even the events of my childhood, which would require a whole book just for itself. I believe this book would continue to evolve if I continued to think deeper into my trauma and into the psychology behind your absurd mindset. However, I am adding this new section to put away the past and continue on with the present for there is nothing for me back in 2020. God is doing incredible things in my life, and I don't want to miss any of it. For now, my prayer is that the Lord softens your heart. I don't wish anything bad upon you. I know one day you will realize all you have missed out on and want back into my life, but until then, I am working on myself and letting God work on me so that I can become the best person I can be. My identity does not lie in who you say I am. I am who God says I am. The more I read this book, the more angry I become. I don't want to harbor hatred in my heart for you, because you are not worth losing my soul over. Instead, I praise God for what you put me though for it has shaped me into who I am today. The trials of my faith has worketh patience within me (James 1:2-4).

So while you are still stuck on thirteen year old me, I am becoming who you said I would never live up to be. I'll remember all the things you said and did to me when you get older and ask to see me again. I will be sure to remind you to. I am working to forgive you, but I refuse to forget.

You may be the winner in this life, but my victory is in Jesus Christ. And one day, I will be able to meet my Heavenly Father, the Father who loves me more than words can describe.

Maybe one day you will learn how to love too.

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