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February 2015

Phil. Getting married. Tomorrow. Sorry, but those words are not just getting to my head. I felt happy for him for such an accomplishment. But he is doing it with the wrong person. That should be me. Yes. I am in love with Phil Lester. But he doesn't love me. So why bother.

The next day arrived quickly and all I wanted to tell Phil that I loved him. He saved me. Three times. I know that Phil doesn't feel the same, but I just wanted to get it out of my system. But was it all just bad timing.

Phil's P.O.V

The big day arrived a lot sooner than I expected. I felt the pressure as each minute passed by. I was in the bedroom fixing up some last minute things on my suit. Dan came in, while poking his head through the door.

God he looked so cute when he poked his head out. PHIL! Snap out of it. You're getting married and he would never feel the same way. He then said "May I come in Mr.Lester?" I allowed him. I, then, could finally see him in his entire attire. Holy shit he was so fucking sexy, I just wanna...PHIL STOP IT.

"So, uh, are you nervous?" he asked

"Yup. I can't stop shaking. Can you help me with my tie?"

He nodded and walked my way. His hands were adjusting the tie and then his hands lingered around my neck. Perfect. We were face to face with his hands around my neck. Lost in each others eyes.

About a solid half a second, he leaned in and kissed me. Full on. I was in shock, but I returned the kiss. So Dan and I's kiss? Best. Kiss. Ever. I have been waiting for ages.

Someone then knocked on the door. We quickly pulled apart and I allowed the person to come in. He said I was needed elsewhere. I tried not to make eye contact with Dan when I left or else that guy would of suspected something.

Dan's P.O.V

We kissed. After years of wanting that. The perfect moment. Sorry, it wasn't planned. It just sort of happened. But it was perfect, until the guy came in, and it was Phil's wedding day.

Phil left the room and left me alone. No bye, no wink, no eye contact, not even a smile. Just left as if nothing happened. Did it mean something to him? I mean he kissed back though, but he then again he is getting married.  Ugh he made me so confused. I touched my lower lip and smiled. I got the chance to kiss him. I immediatly felt my face burn up. I wanted to do that again. But it's not fair to Nicole.

I saw Nicole walking down the aisle with her father by her side. Phil was lucky. She was beautiful, intelligent, witty, humerous, and better than me. Who am I even kidding, Phil is straight for heaven's sake!

She finally made it down and standing across was Phil. He looked absouletly amazing. The way he looked at her made me feel like throwing up. I wished he looked at me like that. I felt proud of him, but I just wanted to punch him. After all the years I have been living with him, he never even noticed I had a thing for him. He always saw me as a friend.

Phil. Phil Michael Lester. My best friend. My lover. He was there when no one was. He gave me a reason to smile. He gave me a reason to live. He did so much for me. So asking him to love me is too much. I don't blame him. I'm so fucking selfish. But I still want him to myself.

Phil's P.O.V

I kept looking back at Dan. He seemed to be in his own world. Thinking. I wonder what he was thinking about. I wish it was me, but it would never be me. I love Nicole. But Dan. Dan is special. He is different and I love that. I love everything about that boy. The way he fixes his hair. His loud laugh that he hates, but I find so fucking cute. That dimple on the right side of his face is adorable. I love that he doesn't have a body builder's figure, because that wouldn't be Dan. I love Dan. Wait. Did I say that I love him? Well. Now that I think about it. I am in love with Dan Howell.

"...Speak now or forever hold your peace" I heard. There was silence for a good minute. Before he spoke, Dan and I hollared  "Wait" at the exact same time. I then looked at Dan in the eyes right after. He then ran out, looking like if he were to start crying. I turned to Nicole with worried eyes. She took a deep breath then smiled.

"Go after him Phil." She whispered.


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