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February 2012

Phil was in the lounge watching Friends, while Dan was on YouNow doing a liveshow. After finishing, Dan went to the lounge to find Phil just watching TV. Dan placed himself on the seat near Phil.

"So Phil, any plans for Valentines Day?" Dan asked. "Well, no. I'm probably gonna do the same thing I do each year when Valentines does come around, treat it as if it were another passing day" Phil responded.

Dan knew Phil wasn't even going to bother to try to do anything special on this occasion, so he sat there in peace with him, while watching Friends.

"Wow, I'm so glad you bought the Blu-ray version, look so clear" Dan sudden spoken up. Just as Phil was going to respond, Phil's phone began to ring.

"Hello" Phil said in a Northern accent. "PJ! How've you been?" "Not much really" "Dan and I are doing nothing" "Today?" "8?" "Ok, I'll ask him"

Phil looked at Dan and said "PJ is having a little get together at 8. You wanna come?" Dan thought a little and answered sure. Dan was a little skeptical, because he doesn't really enjoy partying with all the alcohol and horny teenagers. But before Phil can tell PJ, Dan quickly grabbed Phil's wrist and asked

"Just a little get together right? Just PJ, you, me, and some other friends right?"

"Don't worry Dan. Just some other people too. You'll be fine"

Phil returned to the call and confirmed PJ that Dan was coming along as well.

"7:26, we should start getting ready." Phil said out of the blue. Phil stood up and went to go change into a blue button up. Dan went to go change into his leather jacket. The two got their things and got a ride on the tube.

"7:57" Phil said while looking at his phone. They arrived on PJ's front door. "Hey Dan, Phil, good to see you guys again" PJ happily said with a smile. PJ lead them in into the lounge to see a couple of other friends.

"Yup just four other people, that's good" Dan thought to himself. "So uh, you guys can take a seat and we will be waiting for one more person named Lucas."

Phil sat with Dan near the corner of the room while the others were in the middle chatting.

"See nothing, wrong. Just another passing day. Nothing special." Phil said to Dan with a grin. "Yea I guess" he responded.

"PJ!! WHERE YOU AT DUDE!!" yelled a person from across the lounge room. Judging by first impressions, he was obvioisly not around here. He was a tall blonde hair, blue-eyed person with an American accent.

"Lucas!! How are you mate? Great to see you!" Lucas pulled PJ into a hug and then pulled away.

Dan didn't want to be judgemental, but he felt as if Lucas and him wouldn't really get along.

"Dan, Phil, this is Lucas. He's from Californa and he is here visiting. I met him when I was in L.A and he seemed like a nice person." PJ said.

"Hey guys" Lucas pulled out a hand for them to shake, but only Phil shook his hand. The three of them just stood there waiting for Dan to shake his hand, but Dan just went to the kitchen to avoid Lucas.

"Sorry about that, he's just a little shy" Phil told Lucas.

"Naw man, thats all good. I understand." he replied.

PJ turned to Lucas and said "so uh, when are the others coming?" Before Lucas can answer, Phil suprisingly said "others? I thought it was it?" "Oh naw dude, I got six other people coming with alcohol, it's gonna be great." Lucas said. Lucas sat on the couch between two other people.

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