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March 2015

Phil's P.O.V

This place hasn't changed a bit. When I left to move in Nicole, I kept a pair of keys from the flat Dan and I used to share. I wanted to look around the flat. Anything to remind me of Dan. How we used to have so much fun. How much time we spent together. All the physical copies of shows that we used to watch together. Anything. I just wanted a piece of Dan that I wanted to remember him by.

I walked into the lounge. Nothing moved since. Dan's funeral was a few weeks ago and I still miss him dearly. Nicole and I didn't get married, but we still lived together. I looked around, still standing where I was. Our telivision where we would spend our mornings watching countless hours of animes. The couch were Dan used scroll through Tumblr in the middle of the night. The sofa crease was still there. Next to the sofa was our entire shelves of hours of TV shows. Then a picture of Dan with his dog trying to lick him. His scrunched up face and smile. I missed that a lot.

I then walked into the bathroom. Once I walked in, there were about six blades sitting on the sink. The sink and blade were still stained with blood. I looked into the mirror and took a deep breath. I looked back down at the blades and threw them away in the bin. I cleaned up the sink and left the bathroom.

I then walked into my old room. Completly blank. Nothing. Just a white room and carpet. I wonder why Dan didn't use this room for anything. I remember when I used to make videos. I remember sitting on my bed, turning on the camera and being excited as ever. But I stopped ever since Dan passed away. I just couldn't turn on the camera and fake a smile the way I used to.

I left my room and across my room was Dan's. I slowly opened his door and peeked my head through. Everything was the same. His bed was neat and nothing moved. I walked in and sat on his bed. I inhaled the scent because it always reminded me of Dan hugging me. The warm intake of his hugs makes me feel better. Everytime. I looked ober at the table and saw his laptop and butt chair. I logged in and went on YouTube. I remember that Dan first saw me on YouTube. I remember first seeing him at the tube. I remember making our first Philisnotonfire video together. I remember him saying that it was the most fun he have ever had. I am just so happy that I was able to be the reason behind each smile and laugh he had.

I saw his old piano. He had pieces of music sat on the piano. They were all hand written. Smears and pencil markings all over the papers. He was truly gifted. I was so glad that he continied playing. He was amzing at the piano.

Next to the papers were pictures. It was pictures of us. All of our Philisnotonfire videos screenshots. They were all photos when we would accidently look at each other at the same time. I missed that. But because of me, he was able to experience all of this joy and happiness.

I saved his life. If it weren't for me he would of been dead years ago. But then again, if it weren't for me, he wouldn't have been dead now.

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