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March 2012

Phil's P.O.V

In February, Dan was in a car accident. Just seeing him lifeless in my arms was the worst pain to be in. What made it even more worse was that it happened to me again. My best friend dying. I felt the need to drop everything and do anything to see him ok. Luckily, he is fine now. I just want to know why.

Ever since the accident, he has been staying in the hospital. He is still not back home. Dan has been in coma and I have been informed that the doctors don't have an exact time when he will wake up. I really hope soon.

But I still have a lot questions for him. When did Dan leave PJ's house? I swear the last time I saw him, was when he was talking to one of the guys that Lucas brought in. When I found Dan laying lifeless in my arms, he had tear stains on his cheeks. What happened? Was jumping in front of the car intentional? Was he still suicidal? Who was that guy he was talking to? How did they know each other? Did he not tell me what was going on? I was just curious.

Last time I talked to Dan was when I left to go talk to PJ, while Dan was going to take a nap. I miss him a lot. I really wanted to find out. I go to the hospital everyday, hoping that he will wake up. I want to be the first thing he sees when he wakes up from coma.

I returned to the hospital to visit him. I walked into his room and same as yesterday. Dan was just laying there, pale face, and eyes closed once again. I pulled a seat next to him and I just stared. He seemed so peaceful. He seemed happy. Was he happy to not be awake? But whatever is going on in his mind, I really hope he is happy. I just want him to be happy.

I grabbed his left hand and continued to watch him. His hand was cold. I rubbed his hand by circulating my thumb around. I really hope he was happy. Within an hour, I fell asleep on his bed side, while holding his hand.

Dan's P.O.V

Last thing I remembered was pure white. I surely thought that I was dead. I remember the pain that was slowly killing me that night. I remember feeling someone yelling out my name while holding my head. I couldn't make it out who it was. I'm just glad that I'm still here on Earth and alive. I remember that I thought about my mom and her passing. Then everything just flashed. My whole life flashed before my eyes. Yes, I can think and breathe. But I can't seem to open my eyes or say anything. I felt trapped inside my body. I can hear but I can't respond. I felt someone holding my hand. But I don't know who. Frustration built because I felt like I was restricted from seeing and responding. I hated it.

Suddenly, I just opened my eyes. I took in a sharp breath and I finally saw where I was. I was in a hospital room, on a bed. I saw a clock that read 1. Judging by the looks outside the window. It was one am in the morning. I didn't realize it earlier, but my hand was being held by my best friend. He was fast asleep. Him sleeping made me happy. The fact that he came to stay with made me feel special. It felt like I actually mattered to him. I felt like I was actually worth something. I feel thankful to have him in my life.

I continued to look around the room, while still in my bed. I saw a calendar against the wall. There was a X mark on each box, leading up to March 14. March 14? I swear it was just Valentines Day. I was in coma for a month. That took me by surprise. I leaned back onto the bed and inhaled deeply. I looked up at the ceiling just staring at the hospital lights. I wanted to talk to Phil, but he was asleep. I am just glad he was here and the first person I saw when I woke up. He means the world to me. I never let go of his hand and I closed my eyes once again.

Phil's P.O.V

I woke up at 8 am. My hand still with Dan's hand, but his hand was now warm. I just wanted to talk to him. I wanted to hear his voice and see his chocolate brown eyes. I wanted to see his smile. I just wanted to make sure he was happy and safe.

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