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April 2013

The two of them were sitting in the lounge while Dan was watching TV and Phil was on his phone. "So what do you wanna eat for dinner Phil?" Dan asked Phil.

"Uh, anything I don't care" Phil replied not even to bother looking away from his phone. Dan looked a little frustrated. Phil has been in hus phone constantly. He didn't even make a new video in three weeks.

"Does Macaroni and Cheese sound good? Maybe mushroom soup to complement with it?"

"Yea, yea, whatever."

"Phil are you even listening?"

"What?" He finally looked away from his phone.

"Whatever, I'm just gonna order pizza."

After ordering and the pizza arriving twenty minutes later, Dan turned off the TV. Even when they were eating, Phil didn't even bother to look at Dan.

"Uh, Phil, can you put down the phone?" Dan asked.

"Fine." He placed down the phone facing down.

"What are you even doing on your phone constantly?"

"I'm just talking to someone on Twitter. Her name is Nicole and she seems really fun to talk to". Phil smiled when she said her name.

"More fun to talk to than me?" Dan said in a annoyed tone.

"Woah, don't worry Dan. She is just cool to talk to. No need to worry. It's not like she's gonna change anything that is going on between us"

Watch your words Phil

"Oh ok then." Dan felt embaressed for being jealous so easily.

The next morning, Dan was awakened by Phil's laughter. He was skyping with someone. Dan got out of bed and walked into Phil's room. Phil was laying on his bed with the laptop with him.

"Oh good morning Mr. Howell, this is Nicole." He turned the computer to Dan to show him Nicole.

"Hey! Is this the amazing danisnotonfire" she said while smiling. Showing her perfect white teeth.

"Uh, yea, this is him." Dan replied with a little wave. Nicole was beautiful.

"Nicole is so cool Dan! And she lives in London! Isn't that great! We can meet her one day." Phil said in a excited voice.

"Yea it would be so amazing to meet you guys!" she said through the computer screen.

Dan had a little small smile on his face. "Yea that would be nice" Dan replied in a soft voice.

"Oh guys, I have to go. I hope to see you guys one days" she then ended the call.

Phil got up from his bed. "So you were the reason why you were on Twitter 24/7?" Dan asked.

"Yup, basically. She is so great. I'm so glad I met her." Phil said with a grin.

"Yea, lucky you."

Dan went back to his room and changed. And Phil went to go change. After that, the two met in the lounge room. "So you would want to head out?" Phil asked.


Dan and Phil went to Starbucks and got drinks. After getting their drinks, they found a table and were seated there.

"Isn't Nicole just amazing. She is so sweet, chirpy and beautiful." Phil said in such a sweet tone.

"Yea, she is ju-"

"Phil?" a woman tapped on his shoulder.

"Nicole? Is that you?" Phil excitingly asked.

"Yea! Oh my god, what were the odds of you and I meeting today" she happily said.

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