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Mingi had bought their rooms at the inn and made sure everyone brought their little satchel of clothes they needed. He was a nervous wreck, constantly pacing and making sure that everyone was either not crying or not doing something reckless. The breakdown from their omega captain had really taken a toll, and now he sat in the tavern down the street and sipped his beer with a deep frown on his features. He couldn't smell their captain, and he definitely couldn't hear his loud laugh, so he was at a loss for just where the little omega was.

Wooyoung had gone when the alpha crew went to the inn. He didn't want to invade their space too badly and he wanted to give them time to rest after everything that had gone on. Much to San's dismay, of course. But he did tell the pretty alpha that he was welcome to come to his wagon, if he wanted to, or if he missed him too badly. It wasn't until he was at the little camp that he could feel the cramps start up in his stomach. He sighed shakily and pushed the thought away before going to help set up and cook dinner for the evening. The lanterns were lit, the food was plenty, and a group sat on longs with guitars and little box drums and other instruments setting a very light and airy mood. Wooyoung sat off to the side waiting for his pretty alpha to show up, one arm wrapped around his own stomach and a pretty pink flush on his cheeks.

Yeosang decided to stay back at the inn and try to relax while San and Mingi went to try and watch for Hongjoong. He couldn't join them..it wouldn't go well. He'd want to march straight up to Hongjoong and ask him so many questions. He was so in the dark...


Jongho sat up with a heavy yawn from their nap, rubbing his face and pouting as he gazed around their little room with sleepy eyes. He hummed softly and glanced down to his crew mates, frowning a bit. He leaned over Seonghwa to push at Yunho's shoulder, shaking him gently from his sleep. "We need to go get dinner." He spoke quietly, not wanting to disturb their poor captain too badly.

Yunho woke with a jolt and looked over to Jongho, relaxing from seeing the omega. His eyes traveled to Seonghwa who was still sleeping with droplets of sweat covering his face. "Yeah, let's see if we can find food that captain likes. I don't think he was able to eat breakfast, he looks so pale." Yunho spoke in a hushed whisper, carefully moving from the nest. "What were you thinking for dinner?" The omega stood and stretched.

Jongho exhaled deeply as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, pushing himself up carefully and tucking the blankets back in around their captain. "I suppose we could go back there. Maybe get some stew..." he yawned again and hummed as he stretched out his lower back. "He must be so hungry..." he sighed sadly, watching their captain before shaking his head and reaching for Yunho's hand. "Let's go-" he opened the door only to be met with the strong smell of coffee. He inhaled sharply and took a step out, his eyes meeting Yeosang's from down the hall. He gulped, letting go of Yunho and starting towards him quickly. "Yeosangie-"

Yunho gently took Jongho's hand and left the room together. "I think he'd like some stew! And some nice cold water to wash it down with. It'll make him feel a lot better! Maybe then he'll tell us what's going on with him." Right after stepping out, Yunho bumped into Jongho and felt the omega let go of his hand. Confused, he glanced down the hall where Jongho was walking. He caught a whiff of coffee and a blur of pink hair. Immediately, Yunho rushed behind Jongho, squaring his shoulders and using his tall height to his advantage. Was Yeosang here to hurt their captain? Was he here to hurt Jongho? Yunho walked with the omega, staying close and whispering- "are you okay?"

Yeosang continued to pace in the inn's room before stopping as he caught a whiff of a familiar scent- cherries. His heart picked up speed, the alpha basically sprinting out of his room, looking down the halls with wide eyes. Jongho was here?! He sucked in a sharp breath as he saw Jongho down the hall. He shifted his weight on his feet anxiously. Did Jongho want nothing to do with him now? The fear traveled through his whole body causing him to tremble like a leaf. "J-Jongho.." the pink haired alpha slowly reached out a hand to his approaching mate.

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