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Seonghwa tossed his loaded briefcase down onto the dock with a growl. Just recently the alpha had turned sixteen and almost immediately his parents were sending him off to sail. Turning around, he faced his parents and forcefully chosen mate. His mother was a tall alpha woman with long black hair and piercing dark brown eyes. Her pheromones were strong and oozed pure power. Seonghwa's father was also an alpha. He was slightly taller and had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. The two together reeked of dominance which kept others away. Next to his mother was a short omega woman with long blonde hair and green eyes. She had been chosen for Seonghwa..originally his parents wanted him to mate with an alpha but Seonghwa just couldn't, so they caved but had to choose the person.

He put on a fake smile and clapped his hands together. "You've got what you wanted." The alpha sighed in annoyance and glared at the three. "Don't forget why you're even going, Park Seonghwa." His mother chimed in, her voice loud and stern- not one ounce of love behind it. Seonghwa gave a nod before bowing to his mate. He honestly didn't care about her, but she was so hopelessly in love with him. He didn't want to be with her, but he had to listen to his parents.

Seonghwa sighed and turned back around to pick up his briefcase which held his clothes and pocket money. As of recently, his parents had become more obsessed with their wealth than they had ever been before. So of course the best course of action was to send their only son out to do their own hunting. Did he have a say in it? No. Seonghwa never did. What his parents wanted was his life, never once had Park Seonghwa thought or acted for himself. He was taught to shut up and listen, but never break since he was an alpha. He was above everyone no matter what. The teenager groaned and pushed back his short dark hair.

He stomped down the dock and looked up to rest his gaze onto the ship that would be his home for who knows how long. He could already hear the loud yells and shouts from alphas aboard, a good bit of them sounding a lot older than he was.

"Fucking hell."


"Ahhhh Angie~"

Hongjoong sighed happily as he leaned back against the wall, a pretty alpha attached to his neck, the strong scent of cinnamon and citrus flooding his senses, making him preen and bare his neck even more with a shaky exhale. "You're gonna make me late." He chastised with a little pout, pushing him away from his neck and giggling at the very deep pout he got in return.

"Do you really have to go? There's so much time left in the spring." The pretty brunette alpha whined, wrapping around Hongjoong's waist and nuzzling up against the side of his neck. The only thing missing were his soft whines and Hongjoong would be convinced that the male was entirely too attached to him, and entirely too needy. The thought alone had his stomach swirling in mild disgust as he simply grunted and pushed him off again. "I mean it this time. I've got to go, you've known how early I was leaving, so don't go pouting and whining, yeah?"

He rolled his eyes as he slipped out from the little alley way they had been hiding in and groaned as he started down the dock, pulling the strap of his back a little more firmly around his shoulders and huffing as that damned alpha continued right on his heels.

"Please Joongie! I-I've been courting you all winter! W-were the bracelets too much?! The flowers?! Why are you leaving me!" His whiny tone turned to a low growl as he grabbed the omega's wrist and pulled him back.

Hongjoong gasped at the contact and was immediately growling right back, yanking his wrist away and taking a big step back. "Oh fuck you. Courting me?! What are we, five years old?" He glared and stepped closer. "Listen. It was fun while it lasted, and you knew this was temporary. So, get the fuck over it and go home." And with that, he turned on his heels and started up onto the ship, shouldering past whoever happened to be on the ramp heading up onto the dock.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2024 ⏰

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