One Day at a Time

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Seonghwa fought to bring his breathing back under control. The feeling of Hongjoong still moving inside of him caused him to shudder. God, he felt so full inside and uncomfortably wet and warm. It almost felt like it was filling to his stomach-

He groaned and closed his eyes in irritation. "Did..did you just fucking cum in me?" The alpha covered his face in embarrassment with one hand and whined unwillingly as he coped with his dismay of his fucking omega releasing inside of him. He removed his hands and stared to Hongjoong with a shaky pout on his lips and tired wet eyes that were opened wide.

Hongjoong shuddered and gulped, meeting his eyes once again and releasing a breathless laugh, that big smile growing on his face again as he petted his thighs gently. "I-I think I did, yeah..." He giggled more, leaning down to peck his pouted lips and humming as he rubbed his tears away delicately. "I love you..." He whispered once again, meeting his eyes so gently despite the absolute havoc he definitely raised in his chest. "You're so pretty, do you know that..?" He smiled warmly, petting over his cheeks gently and releasing a shaky breath as he simply admired his alpha, with pink cheeks and teary eyes... he was absolutely perfect. And he was intent on making the other know that every day for the rest of his life. "I can clean you out... I got carried away." He giggled, pecking all over his cheek for good measure before slowly pulling out of him with a shaky exhale.

"Shit..." Hongjoong slid from the bed and went for one of the rags from the corner, kneeling on the bed beside him and sliding a thumb over his hole with a little coo. "Oh so pretty, even down here~" He grinned, pressing a kiss to the back of his thigh before meeting his eyes. "I'm gonna clean you out, ok...? Don't fucking kick me like you used to." He grumbled, sliding a finger into him to basically scoop his own cum out, his throat tightening at the sight and the feel but he did his best not to gag.

Seonghwa winced as Hongjoong pulled out. "You know I would always just get more pissed if you cum in me goddamnit. I'm already pissed!" Seonghwa watched as Hongjoong settled to get a better look down there. He raised his foot to land a harsh kick on his head but paused as Hongjoong called him out on it. He let out a loud huff and squirmed as he felt Hongjoong clean out his rear. It felt disgusting, how the fuck did omega's enjoy this?! Seonghwa wanted to rid his body of everything in him. It didn't help that he was already sore as fuck and probably will be worse even later. "I definitely didn't miss this bullshit. Fucking hell." The butt hurt alpha looked to the side and away from Hongjoong in anger and shame.

Hongjoong cooed as the other continued to pout and whine, giggling up to him and raising an eyebrow. "You seemed to at least miss it a little bit. My pretty pouty alpha." He cooed the words teasingly, pressing kissing into his skin so sweetly as he made sure the other was cleaned out and his stomach was cleaned off. He huffed a bit as he climbed up into the bed with him, smiling softly and reaching up with a clean hand to cup his cheek. "At least admit it's a little fun? Or my feelings are gonna get hurt..." He whispered the last sentence truthfully, pressing rapid sweet kisses to his lips before moving to his cheeks and forehead. "I love you soooo much, you know I don't want to hurt you, hm?"

Seonghwa glared and pushed Hongjoong's face away. "Yeah I hope your feelings hurt as much as my ass does." He grumbled annoyingly and rubbed the side of his hip. "Now my knee and ass are going to hurt. How was this punishing me for not caring about my health when you just gave me more pain?! And I have to face the kids, are you kidding me?!" Seonghwa sighed and grabbed a nearby blanket and covered up his body, crossing his arms and facing away from Hongjoong. "I feel so much down there goddamnit." He peeked over his shoulder at Hongjoong but quickly pulled the blanket over his head so he wasn't visible fully.

Hongjoong pouts and whined as he went limp into the mattress, listening to his words and huffing as he immediately went to wrap around his back, his arms sliding around his waist as he kissed along his back over the blanket. "Babyyyyy~... C'mon, it won't hurt that bad! You know I'm small!" He pouts, giving him a squeeze and whining as he nudged his face up against the back of his neck, trying to scent him even if the blanket blocked their skin to skin contact. "Please, Seonghwa...." He whimpered, tears prickling at the corners of his eyes as he whined and hugged him tightly. "They won't know! The kids'll think it's just your knee! A-and we can bring blankets and stuff so you can sit a-and... and..." He sniffled and whined as he squeezed him all over again. "Pleaaaaaaase!"

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