Buy You A Drink

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Yunho giggled excitedly as he entered the tavern, making a beeline for the bar so he could order a nice cold beer. As he approached, the omega spun around to once again take in the atmosphere. While he walked backwards, he fully ran into someone, jumping as he did so. "I'm s-so sorry!" Yunho turned around, quickly putting his hands up innocently. The figure he collided with had dark hair and was surprisingly around the same height as Yunho which was rare. He had always been considered pretty tall for an omega...

Mingi stumbled a bit as he was bumped into, immediately darting his hands out to catch the other, hands resting on his biceps as he helped to steady both of them. "It's ok-" the breath was knocked out of him at the sight of the pretty omega, his lips falling slack and eyes going slightly wide. He realized he was staring a little too late and cleared his throat, offering a polite smile as he held a hand out to him. "Can I buy you a drink?" Aaand sure, he may have deepened his voice just a little, but oh how badly he wanted to appeal to this beautiful, stunning, and tall omega.

Yunho blinked a few times as the alpha offered to buy him a drink. He was overcome with a scent of a forest that was just visited by rain, it made Yunho feel calm and safe. "Sure, I'll take a drink." He gently pushed his blonde hair behind his ear, using all of his power to stifle the giggle that threatened to spill out of him. Part of him heard Seonghwa yelling 'no! No! NO!' In his head but he ignored it. "I'm Yunho, what's your name? You're..really pretty." The omega winked and made his way closer to the bar, double checking for the alpha to follow.

Mingi was absolutely enamored by the omega before him, his lips parted as he gulped very pointedly, his ears pink and his hands clasped behind his back so politely. As he agreed to a drink and began walking, he kicked himself for not being able to respond faster. He took a few quick steps to catch up and smiled sheepishly. "Yunho... that's a beautiful name." He nodded before they were at the bar and he politely, and awkwardly, pulled a seat out for the other. "I'm Mingi. Um... you're also very, very beautiful. Yeah.." he chuckled and pushed his hair back as if in total disbelief that this pretty omega would actually talk to him, let alone call him pretty! He cleared his throat and ordered them both a beer, leaning against the counter on his elbows before quickly adjusting his stance to face the omega completely, his smile so sheepish it was cute. "I like the, uh... the blonde." He nodded, the lavender scent of the omega overwhelming his senses.

Yunho smiled shyly as Mingi complimented him. The pirate took his respective beer once the glasses were placed on the wooden bar. "Thank you, Mingi~" His eyes looked the alpha up and down thinking, 'score!'. Yunho took a swig of his beer and made a contorted expression, obviously not loving the taste. He cleared his throat and made an attempt to hide his overreacted expressions. "You seem like someone who has seen a lot." The pirate crossed his arms and leaned in closer to Mingi, a smirk plastered to his face. "Got any stories about the brave Mingi I see before me?"

Mingi smiled shyly in return and took a large swig of beer, hissing a bit at the alcoholic sting before simply taking another one and glancing at the omega. At his reaction, he giggled a bit and raised an eyebrow. "You don't have to drink it if you don't want to. Don't feel obligated." He smiled kindly, his eyes taking in the omega once again, his pretty side profile and his blonde hair to those slender fingers that held the beer glass so delicately. He cleared his throat a bit and flushed as he gazed down to the drink in his own hands. "Oh! Well, uh... I wouldn't say I'm very brave." He chuckled, glancing out at the horde of people in the tavern with a little grin. "I think the bravest thing I've done in my life is buying you a drink." He smirked, glancing at him from the corner of his eyes before back to the crowd of people. "How about you? Are you from around here?"

Yunho giggled and playfully smacked Mingi, "are you trying to say I'm a terrifying beast of the seven seas?" His hand then moved to cover his face as laughter shook him.

Mingi's eyes went wide as he stood up straight once again. "No! No, I would never say that!" He cried, absolutely desperate for the omega to believe him. "I-I mean. I've faced many a siren, but..." Ok, Mingi. Smooth recovery. You can do this! "But, never has one been as beautiful as you, Yunho." He offered a too-large grin and a little wink, though immediately was inwardly cringing at himself and having to look away to hide the heavy blush on his cheeks.

Once he composed himself, the omega rubbed the back of his neck. "I live on a ship with my captain and crew mate. My captain loves to find gold and valuables. We're always chasing after something." A playful spark twinkled in the blonde's eye before muttering, "but I think I found the treasure I was looking for~" Yunho tried to look seductive as he picked up his beer once again, tracing his finger along the top of the glass. He kept eye contact as he took another sip. Of course, it tasted horrid again. Yunho did his best to conceal his disgust, causing his eye to twitch slightly.

Mingi glanced at the other shyly as he spoke of his captain, raising an eyebrow and smiling once again at the revelation. "You're a sailor as well?" He perked up, before he was then being called a treasure. He blushed even further and grinned as he turned his face away shyly, rubbing a hand at the back of his neck. "Aish..." He chuckled, clearing his throat as he grinned to himself like a school boy being flirted with for the first time. "You flatter me too much." He giggled, unable to meet his eyes.

"I don't flatter you enough~" Yunho bopped his head side to side in a bubbly manner. This alpha seemed so nice..he was a bit nervous at first due to Seonghwa's words, but now he could confirm their alpha captain just worried for the two tremendously. "So Mingi.." the blonde turned his body to fully face him. Yunho looked him up and down before biting his lip. "Are you just um- passing through or will you be here for a few nights? Just curious." Maybe for once, Yunho could get lucky. Recently since their voyage was so long, he had to go through heats with no help- and to be frank, the omega was tired of being so lonely.

Mingi turned his face when the other said his name, and he couldn't help but swoon slightly at the sound of it. Oh how he could listen to the pretty omega say his name for hours, over and over again, if nothing else. He flushed at the other's questions and smiled a little shyly as he swirled his beer in his glass. "Oh, uh... I'm not so sure. But I should be here for at least a couple of nights..." he shrugged, as if the question was so nonchalant, as if he couldn't already feel the heat burning in his belly at the thought of having the pretty omega on top of him. "Are you? Staying for a while?" He took a couple of steps closer, breathing in lavender and letting it fog up his senses so easily.

Yunho grinned ear to ear hearing Mingi would be stuck on this island for a few nights also."I'll be here for a few nights too. Maybe we could explore the town together? Grab food and a drink?" Yunho was being bold. Usually he never had this confidence at the ready. Something about the forest smelling alpha changed his brain chemistry to the point he was almost smooth. Mingi was just absolutely stunning and sweet. Yunho's exact type.

Mingi's eyes lit up as he moved even closer once again, his grin matching the one on Yunho's face as he gave a little nod. "Oh absolutely. You know, I've always heard that stargazing on little island's like this is something special to behold." He smiled, reaching a hand out to very gently tuck some of the omegas blonde hair behind his ear, smiling sheepishly at the action. But, as Yeosang approached, he jumped a bit and flushed as he was 'caught in the act' by his crew mate.

"Maybe even tonight we could-" Yunho closed his mouth as a pink-haired alpha approached telling Mingi to head out. Yunho sighed and picked up his beer, "go on I'll find you, don't worry I won't let you disappear on me." He grinned, giving the alpha a little wink as he took another sip.

Mingi couldn't help his little frown as he gazed at Yunho, taking his hand gently and pressing a kiss to the tops of his fingers. "I'll find you, my pretty omega." He flirted with a little wink before he was following his crew out of the tavern.


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